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Episode 01: Welcome to Tanzania - Stranded in Tanzania
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By Reem Daly
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Welcome to the Nyiri tribe! Hopefully you're hitting it off with the rest of your tribe because for the next 30 something days these people will determine your fate in the game. Just a few questions to ponder as we head into the first week!

1 - Who on the tribe are you meshing with? Who could you do without?
2 - What is your general strategy for the tribal portion of the game? are you looking for a tight alliance, or just going with the flow? Do you feel you're being successful thus far at said strategy?
3 - We announced our first challenge involving strandedcoin and the first opportunity to use them. How do you feel about the tribe distribution of coins strategy? What do you think of the idol? What are your thoughts on strandedcoin and the future it entails for the game?
4 - The first tribal is Monday night, and it's a double doozy! Are there plans in place for an elimination target already? Who are you working with to implement this?

Best of luck! We're so excited to watch you play!

Reem Daly

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By Angelina
1 - Who on the tribe are you meshing with? Who could you do without?

I like John, Carl, Kara, and Jessica. There’s no one I really dislike, but I haven’t spoken much with Christian and Lyrsa.

2 - What is your general strategy for the tribal portion of the game? are you looking for a tight alliance, or just going with the flow? Do you feel you're being successful thus far at said strategy?

I’m not tying myself down to anyone, trying to just ensure everyone works together for now, and then observing so I can figure out who to form a tighter alliance with in the future.

3 - We announced our first challenge involving strandedcoin and the first opportunity to use them. How do you feel about the tribe distribution of coins strategy? What do you think of the idol? What are your thoughts on strandedcoin and the future it entails for the game?
It’s been fine but I don’t really understand the idol clue. Like is it a stand-alone clue or supposed to build? No idea.

4 - The first tribal is Monday night, and it's a double doozy! Are there plans in place for an elimination target already? Who are you working with to implement this?

Everyone seems to pretty much be on the same page I think. Lyrsa is the target.

Sorry these confessional answers suck I’m not feeling well 😭


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By Reem Daly
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Angelina wrote: Mon Oct 05, 2020 7:47:32 pm Sorry these confessional answers suck I’m not feeling well 😭
They're perfect <3 They're really here for you to organize your train of thoughts and allow us to see what's going on in your head. Like a diary room so to speak. Also, after the season ends, you'll be grateful you wrote em out cause you'll see where you were at different stages of the game. It's fascinating.

Honestly though, I'm just proud you left us one :crine: Keep slaying, queen!

Reem Daly

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