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Episode 01: Welcome to Tanzania - Stranded in Tanzania
-- 10th Place - Voted Out 9-1 --
By Reem Daly
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Welcome to the Nyiri tribe! Hopefully you're hitting it off with the rest of your tribe because for the next 30 something days these people will determine your fate in the game. Just a few questions to ponder as we head into the first week!

1 - Who on the tribe are you meshing with? Who could you do without?
2 - What is your general strategy for the tribal portion of the game? are you looking for a tight alliance, or just going with the flow? Do you feel you're being successful thus far at said strategy?
3 - We announced our first challenge involving strandedcoin and the first opportunity to use them. How do you feel about the tribe distribution of coins strategy? What do you think of the idol? What are your thoughts on strandedcoin and the future it entails for the game?
4 - The first tribal is Monday night, and it's a double doozy! Are there plans in place for an elimination target already? Who are you working with to implement this?

Best of luck! We're so excited to watch you play!

Reem Daly

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By Dan
1 - Who on the tribe are you meshing with? Who could you do without?
2 - What is your general strategy for the tribal portion of the game? are you looking for a tight alliance, or just going with the flow? Do you feel you're being successful thus far at said strategy?
3 - We announced our first challenge involving strandedcoin and the first opportunity to use them. How do you feel about the tribe distribution of coins strategy? What do you think of the idol? What are your thoughts on strandedcoin and the future it entails for the game?
4 - The first tribal is Monday night, and it's a double doozy! Are there plans in place for an elimination target already? Who are you working with to implement this?
1 - Carl and Alison have been pretty cool to talk to. I definitely see us working together as a group in the future, and quite possibly, the very near future. Christian I don't think is even around. If he is, we've never spoken. That said, he's going to be going at the first tribal.

2 - I'm looking to get a group organized that can form a decent alliance. It's still very early on in the game. I'm not going to rush to the first couple of people I see and go, "oh let's make an alliance even though I don't know you or anything about you!" That said, I'm getting to know some people pretty well and we have some things in common with each other. At this point, a drawn out alliance and plan isn't needed but it will start to be relatively soon after the people who are doing nothing go away one by one.

3 - I think the distribution strategy of coins was a good idea. Everyone is still in that honeymoon phase before splits start to occur. It was good for morale and everyone gained trust among each other. We will need that camaraderie to win immunity challenges early on.

4 - The obvious choice in tribal is Christian. Don't sign up if you aren't going to be a part of the game. I have yet to speak to anyone about it specifically, but, I think it's pretty much the obvious choice for everyone.


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By Dan
I missed the multiple questions on number 3...

As for the hidden idol, I can't even begin to figure out what the reference is. I've learned a lot about Tanzania in my search though. I kept it limited to Tanzania and then opened it up to being possibly anything. Like, no kidding, anything. Saturn has 64 moons, a piece of information I just happened to already know. Nope. That went nowhere. I've retired the idea of finding anything of significance with the first clue by itself.

As for coins, pretty awesome. I think it would lend very well to a Survivor Auction. I would recommend keeping them around because they add a neat element to the game. I'm hesitant to use them after seeing the first clue for hidden immunity and I feel like I'm going to wish I had more in the future. So, I'm weighing heavily on hoarding them for a while...


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