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Episode 01: Welcome to Tanzania - Stranded in Tanzania
-- 13th Place - Voted Out 7-(6) --
By Reem Daly
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Welcome to the Miombo tribe! Hopefully you're hitting it off with the rest of your tribe because for the next 30 something days these people will determine your fate in the game. Just a few questions to ponder as we head into the first week!

1 - Who on the tribe are you meshing with? Who could you do without?
2 - What is your general strategy for the tribal portion of the game? are you looking for a tight alliance, or just going with the flow? Do you feel you're being successful thus far at said strategy?
3 - We announced our first challenge involving strandedcoin and the first opportunity to use them. How do you feel about the tribe distribution of coins strategy? What do you think of the idol? What are your thoughts on strandedcoin and the future it entails for the game?
4 - The first tribal is Monday night, and it's a double doozy! Are there plans in place for an elimination target already? Who are you working with to implement this?

Best of luck! We're so excited to watch you play!

Reem Daly

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By Missy
Reem Daly wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 10:49:57 pm GAME ON

Welcome to the Miombo tribe! Hopefully you're hitting it off with the rest of your tribe because for the next 30 something days these people will determine your fate in the game. Just a few questions to ponder as we head into the first week!

1 - Who on the tribe are you meshing with? Who could you do without?
2 - What is your general strategy for the tribal portion of the game? are you looking for a tight alliance, or just going with the flow? Do you feel you're being successful thus far at said strategy?
3 - We announced our first challenge involving strandedcoin and the first opportunity to use them. How do you feel about the tribe distribution of coins strategy? What do you think of the idol? What are your thoughts on strandedcoin and the future it entails for the game?
4 - The first tribal is Monday night, and it's a double doozy! Are there plans in place for an elimination target already? Who are you working with to implement this?

Best of luck! We're so excited to watch you play!
Sorry! Finally home from my little trip so now I can catch up on all of this!
1 - Im clicking the most with Chelsea, Dean, Elizabeth, and Tommy. I could def do without Vince, Karishma, and maybe Lauren.
2 - My general strategy is to find a core alliance which I think im in the works of finding one quite a few alliances have been mentioned and thrown in my hands but im gonna figure out what to do with them. I feel like my social strategy is working rn, I started off by finding a number 1 which is Chelsea and feel like how we have been connecting with everyone is good for us and has us in a great spot in the tribe; especially since I have the idol.
3 - It was honestly a great tragedy on to make it a fair challenge and to benefit the entire tribe, Im super pumped about the idol because it keeps me safe till the merge if I read everything correctly but also I may have a tribal I need to save a ally and make a big move at the same time. Honestly the future of stranded coins scare me that's all im saying lololool. :rofl:
4 - So far there is a set target and I think everyone is just gonna stick with it even if something drastic happens because its a easy first vote. Mostly Chelsea, Liz, Dean, Tommy, and Aaron. Im not to worried about this tribal; Chelsea and I both agreed were gonna take our time on the challenge and try not to win but try not to loose to. We will see :dunno:


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By Missy
AHHH Finally Time to catch up on some confessionals

The past 2 days have been quite interesting, probably like 5 alliances being formed and thrown in my lap, targets/names being thrown out, me finding the idol, suspense, etc.

Yesterday Tommy did a total 180 from his inactive chain, to be super active and gaming so hard. I’m happy he did because after to getting to know him and chatting a lot with him I actually like him he can be a good number for me and ally. There are only 2 things that have thrown me off about him. 1) He has suggested like 4 different alliances to me; the first was: Tommy, Me, Elizabeth, and Dean. The second one was: Tommy, Me, Aaron, and Dean. The third was: Tommy, Me, Dean, Elizabeth, and Chels. The final was the alliance we ACTUALLY STUCK WITH, which is Me, Tommy, Chels, Aaron, Liz, and Dean which I’m actually enjoying for multiple reasons:
• Chels and I stay in the majority
• We have the numbers in the tribe
• There are a few people to use as shields
• There strong people so we SHOULD be solid
2) The other thing that worries me about Tommy is when the alliance was discussing who’s competing in what we decided Aaron and I were going to go for immunity and out of nowhere he says his going for it? Kind of see some power hungry here. Chels pointed it out so were keeping a close eye. :cold:
Chelsea, Elizabeth, and I have decided to be a trio going forward as back up if this alliance gets fucked up or the guys turn against us.
Back to Tommy’s rampage of alliance forming I was getting stressed tf out because in a matter of 5 mins he wanted all these alliances formed that I can’t keep up with and I’m like tommy I don’t remember what I fucking ate for breakfast slow tf down lolololol


Chelsea is someone I can trust 100% without a doubt, we have great convos and she’s something I can talk strategy with confidently, and that’s huge in this game. It took a lot for me to tell her about my idol. We’re hoping to start trusting Elizabeth.

So, about Elizabeth, from lurking Iso 5 I’m like 99.99% Elizabeth is Rachel and I’m loving it. The way I figured it out is her occupation, she loves loves to drink and smoke, and that she’s from Canada and I was like holy fuck this is Rachel but I’m not going to let her know that I know.

I’m just so happy to have that hidden immunity idol and to be in the majority of the tribe. I feel like our alliance is going to stick to each other and it’s going to be easy till a swap, but honestly I feel an argument coming Karishma has a bad attitude and never gets on and Vince never shows up but for a few minutes each day you’re going to get nowhere here dude.

Still lowkey pissed Tommy beat me but oh well ill kick his ass next time I have a chance boo :cool:

That’s all for tonight love yall :heart: :kiss:
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