Reem Daly wrote: ↑Sat Oct 03, 2020 10:40:21 pm
Welcome to the Nyiri tribe! Hopefully you're hitting it off with the rest of your tribe because for the next 30 something days these people will determine your fate in the game. Just a few questions to ponder as we head into the first week!
1 - Who on the tribe are you meshing with? Who could you do without?
2 - What is your general strategy for the tribal portion of the game? are you looking for a tight alliance, or just going with the flow? Do you feel you're being successful thus far at said strategy?
3 - We announced our first challenge involving strandedcoin and the first opportunity to use them. How do you feel about the tribe distribution of coins strategy? What do you think of the idol? What are your thoughts on strandedcoin and the future it entails for the game?
4 - The first tribal is Monday night, and it's a double doozy! Are there plans in place for an elimination target already? Who are you working with to implement this?
Best of luck! We're so excited to watch you play!
1 - Who on the tribe are you meshing with? Who could you do without?
I tried multiple times but couldn't hold a conversation with Lyrsa. The worst was that her explanation for missing the challenge last night was that she was logged out of the board.

What does that even mean? Log back in then. Even if Christian didn't show up and she did, I probably would have voted for her.
I honestly like everyone else for different reasons. Jessica and Kara are probably the two I've talked to the most, but Alison, Carl, Davie, Dan, Nick, and Angelina are all great for various and completely different reasons. I don't even think I could rank them all at this point because I get along wit them all at this point. Sure that will change very soon. Christian is nice as well, but I have not spoken to him as much as some others. My expectation is he will go next, but he did have a lot of supporters. Sure he made an alliance with someone, so it could get difficult quickly. After he leaves, I have no idea. Davie and Angelina are the two that haven't been invited to any of the groups that I've seen being talked about, but I wouldn't push for either. Someone will have to do something stupid otherwise I will have to think long and hard about which path to take.
2 - What is your general strategy for the tribal portion of the game? are you looking for a tight alliance, or just going with the flow? Do you feel you're being successful thus far at said strategy?
I think the best course of action is to not initiate an alliance or deal early on in the game. At least until you really get to know them. My plan is to be socially available and feel out who I like the best and really want to work with. Additionally, I want people to bring up potential alliances offers to me because that way I know they are serious about their intentions. Well they may not be serious if they're offering deals to everyone, but it means a lot more for someone to approach you rather than you going up to someone and accepting their offer. So far I have not initiated any kind of alliance, and I am close to being aligned with everyone on the tribe, so imagine how much worse it would be if I was also running around asking to work with people.

I don't want to overpromise anything this early because there is a lot of game left to be played. I want everyone to be comfortable with me in case we swap any time soon. That being said, everyone wants to have a security blanket and be apart of a group that can ensure they are part of the majority, especially if we stay together for a while.
No idea if I am being successful since everyone could be working with everyone else. I am positive there are alliances that I am not part of which could hinder me later in the game. We won't find this out til a few people start getting voted out.
3 - We announced our first challenge involving strandedcoin and the first opportunity to use them. How do you feel about the tribe distribution of coins strategy? What do you think of the idol? What are your thoughts on strandedcoin and the future it entails for the game?
I want to collect as many coins as possible, and I want everyone else to waste their money on a hidden immunity idol clue that they won't be able to find since I already have it. I don't think stranded coins will mean much at the beginning of the game, but I expect them to have a huge influence on the game after a swap or merge. You want people to like you on their way out which is a tricky balance to maintain while also keeping yourself on the right side of the vote. No idea how to make sure that happens, but I will do my best to work that out. I don't expect to see a penny from Lyrsa so already not doing a great job.
4 - The first tribal is Monday night, and it's a double doozy! Are there plans in place for an elimination target already? Who are you working with to implement this?
Angelina opened up and said what everyone was thinking about the vote being between Lyrsa and Christian since neither were at the first or second challenges. Christian put more effort in today than Lyrsa, and he won that battle.
Danni Boatwright wrote: ↑Mon Oct 05, 2020 9:03:40 pm
One tribal down! It may have just been voting out an inactive, but you've officially made it past first boot territory! I tip my hat to you

That being said, the game only gets harder from here.
1-How did the vote come together tonight? was it a consensus boot?
2-How does the introduction of strandedcoin impact your targets on the tribe? How does it impact the way you plan to play in challenges?
3-on a scale of 1-10, how safe do you feel on this tribe? If you feel safe, who do you think should be worried?
1-How did the vote come together tonight? was it a consensus boot?
Let me reword your question: Was the unanimous vote where the person leaving didn't even vote for anyone a consensus boot? Yes, yes it was.
2-How does the introduction of strandedcoin impact your targets on the tribe? How does it impact the way you plan to play in challenges?
Does this mean that every challenge will have the option to play for coin or challenges? During an individual immunity challenge where everyone knows there are two clear vote options, yes people will go for the coins with no remorse. If we have the same options again, I believe less people will go for coins. If they do, they will be considered a threat for having a lot of coins, but, more importantly, they will be considered a threat because they think they are safe. Immunity will always be more important than the Stranded Coins on the specific day in my opinion. Then again, the coins may be more valuable long term. You have to reconsider if it is worth the risk to play for coins.
3-on a scale of 1-10, how safe do you feel on this tribe? If you feel safe, who do you think should be worried?
Tomorrow? 10. I feel very secure for at least one vote with Christian on the tribe, and if somehow everything goes haywire, I still have an idol in my pocket. Long term? 6-7. I think I am in a fairly decent place on the tribe so far, but I do not think I am everyone's favorite by any means.
Think I got them all? Did I miss any?