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Day 08 - Drop. Your. Buffs. - Page 3 - Stranded in Tanzania
By Jessica
Lauren wrote: Thu Oct 08, 2020 8:51:14 pm
Elizabeth wrote: Thu Oct 08, 2020 8:50:05 pm
Lauren wrote: Thu Oct 08, 2020 8:48:28 pm Jessica and I are the only chicks?
Your favourite person! Lol
I hope she doesn't come over here acting dumb and vapid. We will defo have issues.
Let's go!


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By Jeff Probst
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So, is everyone happy with their new tribes?!

Well just in case you aren't, I have a special offer for you. We're going to put up for grabs an advantage which will definitely be game-changing.

Up for grabs: The power to choose anyone on another tribe that you would like to trade places with.

Right now, you are all divided evenly 3 v 3 from each original tribe. You have the power to change that now.

How will you get that power? We're going to have an auction. Here's how it will work.

We will start with a bid of 5 StrandedCoin. if you would like to bid, you must post publicly here with the amount of coin you are bidding. You can only bid if you have that amount of coin. You can obviously transfer coin but it must be done ahead of bidding.

Remember, whispering still exists.

You will have 2 minutes after the last bid is posted to then make your bid. All bids are final.

Everyone understand? (We'll begin on my go).

Jeff Probst

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