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Episode 06: I Jess That's Why They Call It The Blues - Stranded in Tanzania
-- 12th Place - Voted Out 3-(8)-1 --

So, another day another confessional. I’m sure you are making whatever alumni selected you as their winner pick really happy (or sad) (or neither):

1. So, the last challenge. Very difficult. Some of you rose to the challenge, others of you crumbled. Did the last challenge change your views and perspectives of your tribemates?

2. Idol Hunting. They’re here. They’re there. They’re everywhere. With a potential of five idols in the game at this point, do you have any idea where they are? Any idea on where to procure them? How much have idols influenced your strategy so far?

3. Tribe Divisions. Some tribes stick together and some tribes fall apart. Every tribe now has a mismatch of members of both the original Miombo and Nyiri tribe. Do you think these bonds are going to matter long-term? How does this impact your strategy going forward? How do the bonds you are making your new tribe impact this?

4. Lastly – what do you think of your fellow tribemates. Drag ‘em, Roast ‘em, Read ‘em, Put ‘em in a Stew. Feel free to give your honest opinions on your current members on your tribe. Feel free to be as brutally honest as possible. Fan favourite is on the line.

Nate Gonzalez

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The idols have definitely thrown a wrench into things. I haven't looked for it at all and I know I should be. I am being stingy and greedy with my coins but I know the idol is dangerous. Carl might have it, which worries the crap outta me - if we go back to TC, I dunno what I am going to do. I could be convinced to vote Aaron over Nick honestly.

As of right now, I might be considering keeping Carl around for the long term, but who knows - it could be a boys club tonight and they send me packing. I'd be so annoyed. :zany: But, at least I outlasted Jessica.

I dunno what to say about the rest of the people on my tribe. I mean, besides yours truly, the rest are sorta bland? And, I kinda mean that as a compliment.


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