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Episode 07: Liz Get Down To Business, You Trifling Ass Bitches - Stranded in Tanzania
-- 12th Place - Voted Out 3-(8)-1 --

Never a dull moment in Tanzania, it seems :fire: You've survived 6 rounds and it's only going to get harder from here

1-Breakdown your alliances in the game. Are you in any? are you in too many? Which of them are real, and which are just to keep the idiots in line?

2-Modern survivor throws a lot of swaps/twists/advantages your way. How have you adjusted your game to deal with the twists this season? Any guesses on what may be coming down the pipeline?

3-Who do you trust most in this game? Do you think they have your back 100%, or will there come a point where you need to part ways?

4-What a lame prisoners dilemma! No one had to spend 8 minutes sweating bullets worrying about if they were about to go to a triple council. BOOO!!! Were you surprised to see the idol grabbed so quickly? Did it reveal anything about the other tribal dynamics?

Almost through another week. Keep it up!

Danni Boatwright

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My alliance right now are Carl and Dean - That's IT! I have some trust in Tommy, but things might have changed on Mirombo. I do NOT trust those bitches Chelsea/Missy at ALL and I want them out at merge. However, I will fake it with them if I have too.

I feel like I have almost complete trust in Carl and Dean. The thing is, I called out Angelina and Dan for being selfish and not extending by half hour - I was half serious and half just trying to see how they'd respond. The fact that the boring Aaron wanted to throw in his two scents to be relevant:rofl: He had no idea if we lost, he would have been gone - if we lose tomorrow, he will be gone in another epic blindside.

I don't like him and I don't like his game - he kisses way too much ass, is a follower, and I actually hate him now. I want to win tomorrow but if we lose I will take so much solace in the fact that I get to blindside him and send the fucker out. He is always telling me how I should be playing and criticizing me for calling people out - That is my personality and the game I choose to play. If you want to play a dull game then go ahead - it already has you going out the door if we lose tomorrow while I get to stay here and be fabulous while you get to sit in Ponderosa and continue to be dull.

Honestly, I don't even wanna work with him in the merge. I actually want him gone tomorrow and he seems like he'd kiss ass and flip because that's his game.

The twist I feel will be my Achilles heel in this game. I have not found an idol and I haven't done any work in trying to find it.


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