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Episode 08: Christian? We Hardly Knew Her? - Stranded in Tanzania

Wednesday's sunsets into Thursday dawns, congratulations for making it into another round of Stranded. You’ve outlasted eight other castaways to get here, and it’s now time to see if you can outlast nine.

1. Last Thursday was really eventful, with the tribe swap and the auction, what are you expecting to come tomorrow? How does this impact your plans or strategy? Would you say you are focusing more on short-term survival or are you focused on setting yourself up for the long haul? How are you doing this?

2. At this point, you’ve spent roughly the same amount of time on your original tribe as your swap tribe. Would you say your closest bonds are with people on your original tribe or your current tribe? Who would you say your absolute number one ally is?

3. Finally, Any challenge can happen that can send any tribe to tribal council. If your tribe was to lose the next challenge, who would you want out of this game? What elimination would be the best for your game overall?


Nate Gonzalez

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By Tommy
Nate Gonzalez wrote: Wed Oct 14, 2020 10:29:52 pm
Wednesday's sunsets into Thursday dawns, congratulations for making it into another round of Stranded. You’ve outlasted eight other castaways to get here, and it’s now time to see if you can outlast nine.

1. Last Thursday was really eventful, with the tribe swap and the auction, what are you expecting to come tomorrow? How does this impact your plans or strategy? Would you say you are focusing more on short-term survival or are you focused on setting yourself up for the long haul? How are you doing this?

Yes it was and it went terrible, then amazing and recently terrible, but we got outplayed. Should of lost that first challenge before Missy flipped on us. Tomorrow, since we are at 14, possibly a 7-7 or just a regular day. I think the more you gear up and put all your chips into something happening, the less prepared you are when it doesnt happen, so I am just gonna focus on winning and making it through this round. Short term, cause its 3-2 and no one is budging.

2. At this point, you’ve spent roughly the same amount of time on your original tribe as your swap tribe. Would you say your closest bonds are with people on your original tribe or your current tribe? Who would you say your absolute number one ally is?

Has to be Chelsea, but we are a marriage of convenience. We kinda have to stick together. I am so entrenched, I am not sure I can flip anyway, no one would believe me. Dan can get fucked and Angelina seems much nicer, but I am just not with them at this point. I would work with Angelina over Dan and Missy going forward, but its not like that is up to me. Anything I tried to do now to get in with them, would seem pathetic, so my best bet is to bide my time and maybe bring some chaos to the next phase if I have the opportunity.

3. Finally, Any challenge can happen that can send any tribe to tribal council. If your tribe was to lose the next challenge, who would you want out of this game? What elimination would be the best for your game overall?

Anyone but me, which is Chelsea, so selfishly it would be her, but really of course I dont want her. Best elimination for me I think would be Angelina as she is super smart, great at the challenges, I think she has Miombo idol #2 cause her and Missy stopped looking and the answer was a fairly common African Myth. If Missys idol does expire at a merge, then Angs will go much longer, so lets take her out.

I am in a hole, so lets start digging! (is that how you get out of a hole?)



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By Tommy
Just read this back, I am not going to turn on Chelsea FYI, it kinda reads like that, but I am with her until we have to split up.

Chelsea liked this


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By Tommy
Been thinking. In the preseason video yall said to play like yourself, well I am a loyal dumbass, but that is not working with a "triffling ass bitch" on my team, so I am going to have to switch things up here. Having said that, no idea how and I am a terrible liar. I dont think I know enough of what is actually happening to play that way, but I am going to see what is possible.

Missy Said Aarons message was a lie. I don't buy that, but it appears he was wrong as shit about Dan being on the outs. That was shit info.

Whats a ginger to do here??


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By Tommy
Still no real plan. Cant even think of any good lies really. Might just a play it by ear kinda night. I have whisper messages typed up for Aaron, Dean, Lauren and Carl (all different), but I don't think I am going to send them until we know what is next.

If I have to stay with this group longer. I need to keep sucking up and hope its Chels over me. I think it is her next like she said. I have really been hammmmmmmering Missy on our history, her giving me a fake idol clue and lying to me the whole time...just really pull her fake ass heartstrings that she does not have.

BUT anything I say about her new team will all be dismissed and might be me "playing too hard". So I have to dead fish my way out of this. My lack of who is working with who insight is hindering me. I need to talk to more people.


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