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Episode 08: Christian? We Hardly Knew Her? - Stranded in Tanzania
-- 9th Place - Voted Out 5-1-1-1 --

Wednesday's sunsets into Thursday dawns, congratulations for making it into another round of Stranded. You’ve outlasted eight other castaways to get here, and it’s now time to see if you can outlast nine.

1. Last Thursday was really eventful, with the tribe swap and the auction, what are you expecting to come tomorrow? How does this impact your plans or strategy? Would you say you are focusing more on short-term survival or are you focused on setting yourself up for the long haul? How are you doing this?

2. At this point, you’ve spent roughly the same amount of time on your original tribe as your swap tribe. Would you say your closest bonds are with people on your original tribe or your current tribe? Who would you say your absolute number one ally is?

3. Finally, Any challenge can happen that can send any tribe to tribal council. If your tribe was to lose the next challenge, who would you want out of this game? What elimination would be the best for your game overall?


Nate Gonzalez

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By Dean
It's quiet... too quiet...

Really, I got nothing to talk about for today's events like I normally do. I almost missed the challenge though because of a death that happened to some in-law/extended family/some kind of family which is hard to explain without my life memoire as a prologue. I'm no stranger at all to family deaths, but still, spare me the thoughts and prayers; this time was an evil woman who passed. Thank God a lot of people that were involved in her life can move on and be free now without suffering anymore. Anyway, these next 24 hours could be among the final moments I have left with :pop: before we meet our other alliance members. I might type up a copy paste for my former alliance members talking about Carl and Nick and telling them to not say the wrong things to them, and bringing them up to speed quickly, without having to type it all out several times separately.

Here have a fun fact since there's nothing else to type: Ducks got corkscrew penises. How do they fuck? I don't know ask a scientist or something.

Nate Gonzalez wrote: Wed Oct 14, 2020 10:30:47 pm
Wednesday's sunsets into Thursday dawns, congratulations for making it into another round of Stranded. You’ve outlasted eight other castaways to get here, and it’s now time to see if you can outlast nine.
Oh shit this is almost the half-way point, I'm gobsmacked. But I outplayed, outwitted, outlasted. We did it Reddit!

Nate Gonzalez wrote: Wed Oct 14, 2020 10:30:47 pm
1. Last Thursday was really eventful, with the tribe swap and the auction, what are you expecting to come tomorrow? How does this impact your plans or strategy? Would you say you are focusing more on short-term survival or are you focused on setting yourself up for the long haul? How are you doing this?
Remembering last Thursday is sending me back to 'Nam. *sounds of airships dropping bombs in the distance with children screaming as they run*
Tomorrow, well, Jeff didn't say anything was happening tomorrow. But Stranded!Jeff is a trickster, all you damm hosts are. Something will happen. Who knows, maybe Botox-sama will give everyone free lip injections since that's the only differing thing from his other Tree Mail. Or more likely, a merge as everyone is suggesting. I kind of hope it is, but at the same time, it'll be utter chaos.


And I love chaos.

Oh, and I've been focusing on long term survival since Day 1 almost. I always think about who I want in the finals. Who do I want my jury to be, who do I want to sit next to, how do I let people know of my brilliance to make them remember I was the one who did a lot of plans. And hey, I'll steal someone else's credit too if I can. So, basically a merge won't change what will happen since I plan for it.

Now, if it is a second swap however? That is more unpredictable, and I don't know how I'll manage. It depends on the kind of swap and who gets swapped where.

Nate Gonzalez wrote: Wed Oct 14, 2020 10:30:47 pm
2. At this point, you’ve spent roughly the same amount of time on your original tribe as your swap tribe. Would you say your closest bonds are with people on your original tribe or your current tribe? Who would you say your absolute number one ally is?
Oh lord, well, that's tough. I wanna say my original tribe, but the past 24 hours have made me feel closer with my new tribe, even though I was still safe with the old tribe. I really think it's because of a combination of me getting closer to Carl and (sometimes) Nick recently, and because Elizabeth, my best bro, was sadly taken from us too early. Tommy is the only one left there I'd really care about, and who knows if he's helping Angelina out or not. Thank you Aaron's paranoia. Or should I say... Paaronoia. Eh, eh!? :left: :cool: :left:

Missy and Chelsea are also more like wildcards to me. Carl seems more stable than them, and finally I found out a common interest together. I'll definitely be weebing it up with him tomorrow when not talking about the potential merge or swap. My closest ally right now is Aaron and I don't think that'll change. When Aaron's time comes and he leaves before me (assuming he goes before I want him to go) I'll definitely feel more naked. But I think Aaron is doing a lot in the game, so much so that I don't think he can be next to me at the finale or else he might win this. So he has to go, but he has to go late game.

Survivor really is a game about adapting.

Nate Gonzalez wrote: Wed Oct 14, 2020 10:30:47 pm
3. Finally, Any challenge can happen that can send any tribe to tribal council. If your tribe was to lose the next challenge, who would you want out of this game? What elimination would be the best for your game overall?
If my tribe were to unfortunately lose the challenge, I'd select Lauren. I think us 4 going forward is a solid group to work with, and Lauren is... :yikes:

I mean, that's an obvious one. Not Aaron, not Carl, preferably not Nick, definitely not me, and Lauren is the odd one out. Even if she left I'm sure we could recuperate our numbers for the merged alliance.

She's not even the best elimination for my game, she's just the only one where it wouldn't be detrimental if she was gone. I need :pop: to stay alive.

I could talk about other tribes though. I think we need Poroto to stay because I need Jack. Even if he becomes the merge boot, I need to talk to him and see what's up. Jack is my department to work in. The other 4 Poroto bitches- nah hang on, they need a derogatory word. What can work with Poroto... Porotten? Porrible? That fucking blue tribe bitches. I can't even think of something. Anyway, the rest of the Porotten are not going to give us any information, and Jack could be our only hope. I'm the only one who can successfully decipher Jack and read him and have him give me information we can use about the other blue potato bitches, so it is solely up to me to reach out to him and inquire about the Porotten. Therefore, I can't have him go before merge.

For that reason, I hope to god Miombo loses this challenge. They could get rid of Angelina finally, and if she ends up getting saved a second time, then either bitches are flipping, or we just wasted another idol from the game thankfully. And they can't vote off Elizabeth again, so I don't fucking care who goes home. Maybe that bitchtastic scoundrel Chelsea can go home. She never understood my kind of humour anyway. She's such a fucking prude about a lot of stuff, like I swear that she must be a Mormon or something. Anywho, my ideal scenario is that for this last challenge and tribal council before we all merge as one big tribe, Miombo loses and Angelina is the one who is voted off. That'd be the best scenario ever heading into merge!
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By Dean
Okay no, this shit is serious. Now I am FULL WOKE DEAN. Missy whispering to John at 1:30 AM when hardly anyone's online? Those two who never spoke? Those two who could make things crash? Why is she out of all people, messaging him out of all people!? I'm at a DEFCON 1 right now, what the FUCK HAS HAPPENED HERE!?

Also, Lauren has a bedtime, and she sleeps at 9 PST? Is she like... a child who lied about their age to get on Stranded? Has that happened before?

But no, because Missy didn't go off on me and she just liked Lauren's reply at the end, it tells me that Missy didn't want to bring any further attention to what happened. But don't you worry, I'm making a scene tomorrow at the immunity challenge. Unless something happens like "you lose 30 coins if you talk to someone else". I've been really wary about Missy for a long time. But then this happens! SHE WHISPERS TO ABOUT THE ONLY OTHER PERSON ON THIS ENTIRE CAST THAT I'M WARY OF, JOHN MCFUCKFACE WITH THAT FAKE ASS SMIRK IN THAT PICTURE OF HIS. THE FACT HE WAS ON THE OPPOSING TRIBE AND SHE THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO WHISPER TO HIM. AND THE NIGHT BEFORE THE POSSIBLE MERGE. THIS SHOULDN'T HAPPEN.


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By Dean


^^^ oh btw yeah I forgot I did these two memes a while back but forgot to upload them, here they are to lighten the mood a bit.

Let this light moment be the eye of the storm. I am going to go HARD on Missy tomorrow when the time comes. She needs to be straightened out. She didn't sign just a little thing to John either, like subtle shade or some early morning smack talk before the immunity challenge. She wouldn't need to whisper for that, and she wouldn't have gotten defensive when I inquired about it.

This bitch is up to something. I don't miss Missy at all. She's gotta fucking go.

Good night.
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By Dean
Tommy being too cautious and careful is his weakness. Buddy you're busted. No other person is going to compose a PM otherwise. You should have just made a group chat instead of PMing each other. You and Chelsea are doing shit, and we can see exactly what's going on. Plus we know there is going to be at least one more in your ranks, so something is up.

You're your own worst enemy.


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By Dean
I finally told Aaron about Jack's idol clues. I'm in this with him now, and it's better for my game if :pop: knew about Jack potentially having an idol rather than not.


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By Dean
First of all, now I'm going to have to cosplay Dean as a detective at some point just because he's my namesake and he looks cute as hell doing it. All conventions in 2021 look out for the Dean cosplayer!

Second of all, can we please stop looking at who's online together? Aaron got infected with Chelseasis and is just looking at who's online only. It refreshes the page automatically if you're on it for more than a few minutes, so they probably just left it at that page and it is auto-refreshing the page for them.

Third of all, this merge better not happen before the challenge or else I'm going to word vomit again. Actually, I wonder if we won't get a merge tonight and the merge will happen on Sunday. That'd be different and unexpected, and also unwanted. I don't even know when I want the merge anymore; there are so many fucking layers to this that I wouldn't know where to start or who to talk to first when we all group up. Fucking Missy. And I can't believe Aaron told me that he was anti-Missy from the get-go because so was I!!! Like I wish I knew that earlier, or else maybe we could have gotten her out before the swap. I truly thought Aaron was okay with Missy. Like I told Aaron, I didn't say anything because Tommy and Elizabeth were so vocal on wanting her in this wider alliance and I didn't want to antagonize anyone at that stage in fear of making a target for myself or putting myself on the bottom of the alliance. Like fucking hell I was going out pre-merge, that's disgusting. All I know is, I'm going to have to go hard on Missy when we meet again. I'm not letting this whisper get away. And I have never spoken with John, Alison, Angelina, and Kara before, and they're the opposing faction. I don't know how they'll talk with me, if they will wanna talk at all. Will they want to speak with me about non-game stuff? Will they ask about Jessica right away? First impressions do matter to me, and the first hour that we're on the same tribe will determine how I feel about them going forward. But I don't think there is anything else to add on, I already look at those 4 as the prime enemy. As for Jack... I wonder if he told them that he could get me to join them, since we're so close. I wanna ask Jack what he's said about me first, before I ask what he told about our tribe. YOu know, if Jack did say that I'd join them, hmm what if I play along and act as a double agent or something? Jack was already on the outs of the Miombo tribe, and I could give some "intel" to Poroto and it wouldn't all be true. But I can't make up too many lies on my own. I have a feeling these people play super strategic, and they will fact check what I say for sure, and one wrong mistake with those guys could cost me everything.

If Lauren or Missy aren't the merge boot, then one of the conglomerate has to go. I don't trust them as far as I can throw them.


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By Dean
Lauren did not win the fucking lottery

What the fuck is this rigged bullshit

She out of all people got it I just- what the fuck

Well who knows she'll give it to me hopefully when she kicks the bucket


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By Dean
Okay I'm shaking, like I'm legit shaking shaking. But I wasn't lying, I have dinner, so brb, and then I'm writing out about WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED AT TRIBAL CUZ HOLY FUCKINGMOTHER SHIT


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