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Episode 13: Frankly, I Don't Give A Dan - Stranded in Tanzania
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Final 9. Just like Final 10, but one less. Six of you are going to join the jury, while three of you are going to make Final Tribal Council. Nine Plus Ten is Nineteen. Nineteen Minus One is Eighteen. Eighteen Multiplied by Three is Fifty Four. Fifty Four, FF? Franz Ferdinand? Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in 1914. 1914 was the year of the creation of the first regular commercial airline? Airlines in Tanzania? Air Tanzania? Air? Water? Earth? Fire? Only The Avatar, Master of All Four Elements, can stop - but when the world needed him most, he vanished! But you know what's not going to vanish? Your confessional questions:

1. The last two Thursdays have had a swap, a merge, a public immunity idol, a surprise swap auction, and even crazier auctions. Do you think this trend is going to continue into tomorrow? Any ideas on what’s coming around the corner?

2. What are you expecting in terms of StrandedCoin going into the final week of this game? Do you think you’re trying to save your coins for later or do you plan on spending them when you have them?

3. We’ve just came off a relatively drama-free and unanimous-vote immediately after a series of idol plays and split votes. Do you think this is going to hold for the rest of the season? Who do you think benefits the most from keeping up the status quo and who do you think needs to make a big move?

4. Now that the jury is starting to form, this is your last chance to really start to position yourself for the endgame. An idea that has been mentioned a lot in Stranded is the division between threats and goats. Where would you lie on that spectrum? Do you think it’s more important to get out people who would beat you at the end of the game or is it better to get out goats who could take an important spot at the Final Tribal Council away from you?


Nate Gonzalez

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By Angelina


Um....Nate? Dude....are you good? We didn't mean to break you with the lack of drama,
we were just trying to be chill and relaxed and I'm so sick of stressing out over whispers.
Like, I haven't messed one up yet...but only because I stare at it and say every piece of
the BBCodes out loud to make sure they're all there before I submit the post.



Ok so actually I was like BET. It's gonna be a double elimination.
The reason for this is cause I counted days and people left.
I have, however, figured out that it is most probably NOT that.
The reason for this is cause I'm high af and can't count.

So like...maybe it's gonna be an auction like Nick said?
Or maybe better Bounty prizes or some shit since it doesn't
seem like that really took off. Kind of a dud. Also hilarious
that Nick fucked his up and didn't get anything from it.
But also maybe something will happen with it tonight...
Now that I think about it, I think Kara has Dean.



Um, I honestly haven't ever played a strategy with StrandedCoin.
Like I bought what I needed, when I needed it and other people
gave me their coins when I didn't have enough. There has never
been a time when NOT having SC has negatively affected my game,
but maybe that will change tonight. Honestly if it's an auction type
thingamabobber, I'd be way more inclined to just sit tight and keep
the coins than to make a rash decision with them. Not that I think I
could outbid literally anybody with my 5 whole coins. But if I need
to, I'll get them. :kiss:



It's not going to hold, it's going to break super soon. I'm not going to
be the one that's going to break it...but I have a distinct feeling that
it's probably not going to break in my favor. And it's gonna hurt
whenever the double-cross happens. Like fuck. But hopefully I'll
get enough of a tip off to be able to prevent it. I feel like things are
about to heat up after whatever goes down tonight for the twist.



Anyone can be anything...and I am not a threat or a goat. I am a pony.
Man I just realized that I shoulda done this whole confessional
as Avengers: Endgame themed instead of Zootopia. Oh well, c'est la vie.

Also...um...I didn't think that was more important but everyone
else is freaking out about it so it occurs to me that perhaps that is the
correct course of action. It just seems so boringggg. Like sure, ya
bitch ass won. But did you win against anybody WORTH anything?



Angelina :heart:



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