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Episode 14: There Goes the Last Great American Dean-asty! - Stranded in Tanzania
Hey, it's me. Danni. After Nate's incoherent preamble to last night's confessional, I figured you needed a real adult to ask you hard hitting questions as we head into the weekend. That being said, he did have another T-Swift pun to share:

"All you're ever gonna be is DEAN, why you gotta be so DEAN"

you're welcome Nate. Anyways now on to YOU! the PLAYERS WHO SURVIVED WEEK 3! Congrats on lasting this long. It's truly an accomplishment with a cast this active, and this crazy.

1-Tonight was touchy subjects, which should give you a lot of information about where people stand within the tribe. Reflect on the answers you received, as well as the most important information you gathered during the challenge.

2-We're entering the final week of the game. It's time to start thinking about those finale night seats, and how you're going to grab the win. Tell us your plan to make it to the end, and how your plan is going to make you the winner of Stranded in Tanzania. Who are you sitting next to in the final 3?

3-A fake idol was played tonight! that was fun. Has there been much talk about idols and advantages left in the game? How are you planning to handle them at such a crucial point in the game?

4-The Jury bench is starting to fill up. Who do you think would vote for you? Who wouldn't? How are you going to fill that gallery with people willing to write your name down to win the game?

As always, feel free to tell us anything thats on your mind! With only 8 of you left, our lurkers are starved for content. Give them something to talk about :wink:

Bonus for Kara: We didn't see you online tonight. Is everything ok?

Danni Boatwright

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Bonus for Kara: We didn't see you online tonight. Is everything ok?
Yes! Sorry I had the most hectic work night. I will 100% be here all finale week- I have a lot of work to do if I want to get to the end and get any kind of votes it's time to get some wheels turning.
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Kara wrote: Fri Oct 23, 2020 2:26:07 pm
Bonus for Kara: We didn't see you online tonight. Is everything ok?
Yes! Sorry I had the most hectic work night. I will 100% be here all finale week- I have a lot of work to do if I want to get to the end and get any kind of votes it's time to get some wheels turning.
Just glad you're okay :heart:
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1-Tonight was touchy subjects, which should give you a lot of information about where people stand within the tribe. Reflect on the answers you received, as well as the most important information you gathered during the challenge.
It was an interesting challenge for sure- SUPER bummed I couldn't make it out but boy did I learn a lot by reading back.

It was very interesting to see myself come up as a goat and tbh... I could see it at this point. Strategic wise I've been very much overshadowed by those people I worked with (John, Alison, Angelina)- the truth being, they've honestly made moves not worth contesting or moves that have benefitted my game this entire time. Now though, and this point of the game i've gotta turn things up a whole lot. Only a week left to flip a jury who probably doesn't want to vote for me already tbh.

Also, I mistakenly think I'm in control? Who got that impression of me :rofl: I mean yeah I've been in a pretty good position this entire game but that has in no way ever made me think I was in control- I guess my loud tribal mouth maybe got me to be that answer there. But there are worst things I could've been named lol.

I 100% agree with John being named the most likely to win. I see it 100%. Angelina's too obvious to make it to the end unless she wins out immunity and Johns lined up himself pretty nicely and has been at the drivers seat of some pivotal moments of the game- so I agree with that one tbh, and I'm kind of glad he's been outed as it.

Alison most strategic?



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3-A fake idol was played tonight! that was fun. Has there been much talk about idols and advantages left in the game? How are you planning to handle them at such a crucial point in the game?
So everyone is under the impression that Angelina has the idol. Nick told Tommy and I that and he also let us know he shared that info to John (John had already told me, but nick is the direct source as he split clues with angelina) at an attempt of jury management (he didn't say it like that but that's obviously what he was doing- u ain't slick nick :zipit: ) ANYWAYS, so yeah that's the only advantage we know of. As far as the bounty advantages- I'm not sure. I don't know if anyone was brave enough to take the bounty temptation but hopefully whoever did is gone. It's definitely something to think about, but with all the twists and turns I think I've done a good job at positioning myself to not be the target of any people who may have these advantages- which is only good for me.


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4-The Jury bench is starting to fill up. Who do you think would vote for you? Who wouldn't? How are you going to fill that gallery with people willing to write your name down to win the game?
Honestly... Idk how that jury has perceived me thus far. I'm going to play as if they've seen me as a goat and I have everything to prove because honestly, that's where I think they'd lean towards. They probably viewed John as more of an adversary than me so he automatically is seen as the one on our side who held the most power. Now, as for filling the gallery- It's time to get to work on that and I will explain how.


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The one ultimate source where Kara reveals all.
SUBJECT : The Dean Vote That I Missed

Well, I feel shit for missing it but I'm glad things went according to plan. I've mentioned it before and Dean was a big social threat in the game and I feel like he's someone who could've garnered a couple of votes based on purely that. It was 100% the right kind of boot at this stage- I don't know if he was really aware of what was going on all that much so it was the right timing to remove someone like him from the equation. I did really like hm though, and we weren't even working together which says a lot about the social game he mastered.

VERDICT: needed to happen but gonna miss him.

bc ur episode pun was rlly cute and he is pretty great.


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I'm having an emo moment but awww this has been so much fun- getting this far and being given a second chance after my boot in ISO.... Aw I actually really hope I'm making some people proud and if I'm not I hope they evaluate how far they got on their own seasons before yelling at me <3


But I'm really grateful and glad I was asked to play and this has been so much fun so far. Now it's time close out strong.


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The one ultimate source where Kara reveals all.
SUBJECT : My path to the end.

Thus far, I feel my performance has been pretty lackluster. I've teamed up with strong people, have been a part of pivotal game moves and decisions, and maintained a low target level. This doesn't feel like enough- especially not next to a more flashy game-like John or Angelina's. This means I cannot and will not go to the finals with them- It's making me sad having to think about voting John out but honestly, I'm going to have to at some point- he's unbeatable in my eyes. Now, my ideal final 3 is with Tommy and Nick because I think I have the best shot against them and honestly, they probably have the best shot against me so me reaching out for a f3 with them was completely real and with true intentions.

I think for me, voting a couple more rounds with Alison and John in order to flush Angelina's idol and get her out is necessary and then using my growing relationship and deal with tommy/nick/aaron to vote out John, then Alison subsequently. John will have to go first because he's more likely to be able to pull someone to his side than Alison. My ideal f4 is with Aaron, Nick and Tommy. Jack is easily interchangeable with Aaron but I honestly forgot he was here and I want to win but not by giving him a seat in the final lol. So i want him to be gone during the vote in which angelinas idol is flushed, Alison is pushing for it to be Nick? So maybe I can tip off Angelina and she'd be willing to play her idol for him? Flush the idol + save nick? Could be a good move, very risky though.

Everything at this point is risky but I'm not going to get any votes at this rate of gameplay so I might as well go out trying something big than to sit in the end with a slim ass resume.

VERDICT: it'll be tough, but i'll do my best.

it's end game time... (ed ruins this song ugh)


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They (John and Alison) want you and Nick gone back to back weeks, if Nick wins immunity you're next
Hm. tbh I wanted to flip on them so I cannot get super mad about this- but I do believe it... It just seems dumb to me? Like idk what game everyone else is playing I've literally done nothing. Alison's an idiot for going to the end with John.


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I told John that nobody wants to take him to the end besides Alison and i, which is a pretty aggressive statement BUT maybe it'll scare him into keeping me and the target off of my back with him and Alison. I can tell he's a planner and he's already thinking that far


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