- Sun Oct 25, 2020 2:26:59 am
Yeah so I'm still tipsy so lemme try to remember stuff.
Angelina approached me and Aaron separately with the same deal: Angelina wanted to keep me and Aaron safe, as us four (Aaron, me, Nick, Tommy) were considered targets on their side, and I was among the biggest. But this "deal" was more of a forced temporary truce, as we were instructed by her to vote out Dan on Wednesday (successful) and then Jack on Thursday (unsuccessful cuz I'm fucking here), and then on the weekend idk things would happen that could hopefully get me in a better position by building trust with them. Angelina was being super honest with me about a lot of things, and even told me she had the idol when- OMG THERES NO HIDDEN IDOL ANYMORE CUZ SHE EXPELLED, WOW SO NO IDOL (unless the hosts got a creative idea up their sleeves?????)
Anyway yeah, she had the idol because I straight up asked her if she had it and she said yes, and idk, at that point I trusted her honesty fully for some reason. Then Dan went home, and we got along better for a bit as trust grew between us and we bonded a bit. John however still seemed on the fence with me even when I voted with him. Voting out Dan did sweet fuck all with our affinity. He was probably already planning my eviction for Thursday by then, but he didn't have the guts to fully fake out with me or tell the truth. He's the master of writing novels of emptiness. So tiresome. It was at some point in the afternoon on Thursday when Angelina gave me a warning that the vote was turning to me, and that she couldn't convince them to get rid of Jack any longer. She told me before the immunity challenge at least. I bet you that John was the one leading the vote to get me out, but it makes me curious about Aaron, if he is with John or not.
I hate the unknown, and the one thing those four fuckers did well was hide any potential cracks in their relationship. All I knew was that they sang kumbiyah together and were all close with each other. I wish I at least knew before I left where John, Alison, and Kara stand with each other and other people, but it was too solid for me to crack on my own. I at least managed to help wedge something inbetween John and Angelina, but that's irrelevant now since the bitch cheated. Nick whispering to John a lot at tribal intrigued me I gotta say. I think John might just be playing the best game. I will not forgive the remaining members of the cast if they do not get out John anytime soon. HE'S SO GOOD AT IMMUNITY CHALLENGES TOO SO HE'S DANGEROUS AND SHIT- okay i'm gonna ramble on now completely off-topic soon so Ill stop.
Anyway as for Dan's situation after you left Carl: Unfortunately for him, he just didn't make enough connections with us to make us feel safe and comfortable enough where he would have been loyal to us 100% of the way. I thought once you left that there would be a high chance of him going back to OG Nyiri, since Nick told me he doesn't get on with Dan too much; just that he gets on more than with the popular kids on orange tribe. And idk I thought Dan was always loyal to you more than our alliance since we at least all chatted with each other.
Also how often did you talk with Nick individually? Like at least once a day, few times a day, every hour? Because it was probably bullshit but Nick told us after your eviction that one reason he voted against you was cuz you didn't talk to him in a few days or something, which seemed really off to me. Then again homeboy is one of the least active people remaining so what the fuck does he want us to do?