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Episode 16: Alison's Wonderland - Stranded in Tanzania
By Danni Boatwright
You know the drill:

1-Tribal tonight was pretty intense. what did you learn from your discussions?

2-A lot of people talking about jury management at tribal. How have you been handling players who you are voting out of the game?

3-A lot of goat talk at tribal as well. Are there goats left in the game? Are you worried they'll take your spot at the end?

4-Take a look back at your game. What's your story this season? Do you think it's compelling enough for the win?

icon_drinks cheers to final 5

Danni Boatwright

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By Jack
1. There was definitely some tension tonight between Tommy and Kara. I don't think that Kara appreciated that Tommy told Alison that he was going to vote her out and saw it as a sign that he was attempting to win her vote at the end. I also learned that Kara, Nick, and Alison weren't the close three that I thought they might have been. I actually thought of a scenario that would have been absolutely perfect for the three of them to pull off. If those three had forced a tie with me, Aaron, and Tommy - and if that tie had gone to rocks, Nick and Kara would have been safe via immunity, Alison and Tommy would have been safe as a result of the deadlock, and only Aaron and I would draw rocks. It would have put me and Aaron in an excruciating position to either flip on Tommy or to draw rocks. It would have been such a good move for them, I can only be glad they didn't think of it.

2. My jury management has been pretty poor, especially of late. I really struggled to find my place after the Missy vote, but part of being on the wrong side of the Lauren, Carl, and Dean votes also meant that perhaps they don't blame me for their ousters and that can be helpful. But since Angelina was removed from the game, I've been able to find my footing again and get back on the right side of the vote to send John and Alison home. I'm guessing they're not very happy with me since they made a decision to keep me over Christian back in the day. I also couldn't bring myself to give them a heads up that I was voting for them - both because I didn't want to face their anger and I also wanted to cloak the fact that I'm working with Aaron and Tommy.

3. Definitely called out again for being a goat. I'm trying to handle it with humor, but it's clearly not working. Jeff seems really annoyed that I'm still in the game. I understand that I'm not some captivating gladiator in the area but I really don't know what else I can do to prove myself. This whole time I've just been trying to make the best of my situation and that's all I can do.

4. I think I was off to a good start this season. On Miombo, the first real vote that went against Vince, I saw that he went home (over Karishma) because Missy saw him as a "gamer" and Karishma as a "goat". So after that, I definitely got the feeling that she was looking to get rid of gamers. Then I moved over to Poroto and I was outnumbered 4-2. After we lost Karishma, I was outnumbered 4-1, and I was just hoping to get by. When we lost, I had very little options other than to try to sell myself as a better save than Christian. I promised, probably overpromised, my loyalty and then when the merge came I just didn't like my position. I was sitting on a tribe with John, Alison, and Kara - who I had pledged loyalty to but with a gun to my head - and Angelina, Dan, and Missy. I saw how Missy had turned on Elizabeth and Chelsea and didn't trust her. I had a feeling that Dan and Angelina were closer to the Poroto/former Nyiri people than I was. And there was an overwhelming urge to go back to the one person I did trust, Dean. Right before I flipped, I also reached out to Aaron and Tommy - I really wanted to put the four of us together to take control of the game. I think I planted that seed at the right moment. It's allowed me a second chance to get back with the former Miombo people that I did make good connections with in the beginning of the game, and allow me to work with them now to get to the end. And to keep those connections a secret from others. It's not flashy, but it's worked.


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