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Day 25 - Immunity Challenge #16 - Hide and Ghost Seek - Stranded in Tanzania
Immunity Challenge #15 - Hide and Ghost Seek

Overview: You will be given 10 riddles, of which the answer to each will be the name(s) of a fallen comrade (or castaway(s) previously voted out this season).

The catch? You must answer in the form of an image. Hidden throughout previous challenge threads are 17 of the eliminated contestants. Obviously, there are more fallen comrades than there are riddles, so some will be dummies and will not be the answer to any riddle. They will be hidden in random posts (posts made by anyone) in this Challenge Forum (meaning any of the previous threads made in the challenge forums). I am including an example of what the images will look like at the end of this post.

The first person to post in their confessionals the completed list of 10 answers with the correct images wins Immunity and cannot be voted out at the next council.

I have shut off the Challenge forum, and give you a specific time of when you can see them again, that is when the challenge will begin.

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Jeff Probst

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So just to be clear, our goal is to get the image of the contestant we believe to be the right answer and post it into our confessionals- there is nothing about the pictures themselves that we need to understand, correct?


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Aaron wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 8:10:48 pm So just to be clear, our goal is to get the image of the contestant we believe to be the right answer and post it into our confessionals- there is nothing about the pictures themselves that we need to understand, correct?
Correct. Please number your answers, by the way. It will help if you post them all in one post.

Jeff Probst

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1. These two acquaintances decided to cheat, they were swiftly removed in a resounding defeat.
2. He found two idols, what a guy, now the jury is where he resides.
3. The rushed tribal council went by in a hurry, making this castaway the last boot before the jury
4. They gave off a powerful vibe and bought their way onto another tribe.
5. A big personality and a sharp tongue, wasted the public idol the round before they were stung.
6. The most recent juror, a huge flirt, they left the game without slinging dirt.
7. With only pre-jury on their resume, they got the nickname Special K
8. They loved to complain while taking care of a toddler, a unanimous vote made them jury fodder
9. Voted 5-1-1-1, they might have fought for their spot, but they spent their time in confessionals and on photoshop.
10. The king of the game with his cowboy hat, In a pivotal vote out, he was not all that.
Alison, Carl, Dean liked this

Jeff Probst

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