This is enough fap material for my villain boner; the sound of the aftermath of my tribal council sounds absolutely divine! Doing damage to multiple people's games like that... mmm
But more seriously. I wonder when Angelina told you Nick about her idol, cuz I had to ask about it first to her in order to find out, and she flat out said yes. I do commend the honesty, but I had no idea that these chain of events would happen because of that convo with her and with my fake idol being played.
Also, if Kara was the one who wanted the alliance with both of you and Tommy, then I wonder if this means she'll work with Tommy to get Aaron out tomorrow then. But she also wants Jack to go out too so who knows. No idea where Tommy stands on who he wants out tomorrow.
As for you John, I suppose that makes sense with Aaron. From my POV, I only did vagueness with you because you were doing vague things to me. Even after I went with Angelina and your side to vote out Dan, even after I spilled a whole bunch of shit and truths about my game and my side's game to you (and Alison), I didn't feel like you ever gave me anything in return. You didn't even give me vague lies at least; you just gave me vague everything when it came to game. That's one reason why you remained my #1 target. I hate the unknown, and I hate the uncontrollable. You were both of those things.
Oh and yeah I enjoyed our non-game talks a lot. It was some needed fresh air. Mate my Inkling is still gonna beat your Chrom