John. You were undoubtedly my favorite person in this entire game. You're incredibly smart and I loved our dynamic that when one of us flipped out about something we'd calm each other down and how I could shit talk any of the other players with you. You 100% were my number one up until the day you were voted out. I trusted you wholeheartedly, and I love you as a person.
You were incredibly good at this game- player of the season in my opinion. In the beginning, you kind of played it coy with me- and I always knew you were smarter than you led on, and then when you found the idol that was a really proud moment of mine- I genuinely wanted to go so far with you. But things shifted at the point where you told about sending Jessica the idol and stuff- that kind of woke me up to realize how smart you actually were and the kind of game you were playing that I had no idea about. I remember having a really hard time getting you to vote against the grain for Davie (while it was against the grain) but you were taking these really big risks and showings of trust outside of what I knew- you were really good.
As you can see, the majority of the jury is convinced I rode the coattails of you and Alison to get here- which is exactly why I had to vote you out if I wanted to win. Aaron's going to build it up to be his masterful play and whatever- all he is saying could be true, I was not playing with him up until your vote out but the truth of the matter is I approached him about us working together when #Kaaron was born and approached Tommy and Nick about a final three deal-
I positioned myself in a position where voting out my number one ally didn't hurt me as much everyone thought it would- it actually got me to the end which is why it is the main move being brought up in regards to my game. Aaron's only really backing up everything I said- I knew you were the best and I knew I'd have to vote you out, I did so at the perfect time when there were other numbers on my side (willing to vote you out and work with me heading forward) I didn't mean to ever brag about it so sorry if you feel that way, but you're just a key part of the jury view on my game so I have to explain why making the decision to vote you out was a move I made on my own that resulted with me in the final three. I simply had to turn on you if I had any fighting chance here at final tribal council, I knew coming into the merge and more specifically past the Carl vote I needed more meat on the bones of my game, my confessionals will prove that everything I'm saying is true and you were honestly just too good, you would completely overshadow me.
As for why I didn't tell you about the move, I honestly thought if I had admitted to making the final three it would be twisted into me outing it (because you were just that smart) and people had told me I wasn't a part of your end game (whether this is true or not I don't know- but either way I couldn't go that deep with you) so I thought if what people were saying had any truth in it you would end up using that against me. I did tell you truthfully, that you were a huge threat and nobody wanted to go to the end with you- I lied about me wanting to go to the end with you but that was just to put it in your head that I was someone you needed for your end game after I had heard you planned to vote me out after Nick.
You were so good of a player that I was cautious about tipping you about the vote- if I got caught plotting to vote you out with anybody I would lose the trust of you and Alison + you could manage to throw me under the bus with the other side and I could be put in a very precarious situation. Had I told you I don't know what you would've done with that information and how it could've hurt my game.
I loved playing with you and I have no doubt you'll probably play again one day if you want too and I'm excited for when you do because you were just that fricking good at this game.
Now onto Angelina. TBH I wasn't super worried about her idol- I was confident in my position within the game and I knew if anything Angelina wanted to make a move against you. I did have a final three with her and Alison which I told you about and I think Angelina was confident in her ability to beat me in the end and wouldn't have come after me. But I like you a lot more than Angelina so I think I would've worked with you and Alison on trying to get the idol out of her hands- we all knew she most likely would've played it but if she wasn't the actual vote she had an informant possibly on her side, which would've made her more of a problem than anticipated.
I was confident in the fact I wouldn't be getting any votes anytime soon so her idol didn't phase me, I wouldn't be going to the end with her as she was a huge personality and challenge threat. Throwing her name out there probably wouldn't be necessary bc Alison felt the same as i did and she seemed to have the information spreading as a part of her game, so I see Angelina going next after you or after she played her idol and the rest of the game for me continuing as it did.
sorry for errors and stuff if there's any
You were king of this season to me, so great job you killed it and if you were sitting here you'd be the winner undoubtedly. Thank you so much and hope we can talk tomorrow.