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and the Winner Is... - Page 5 - Stranded in Tanzania
By Kara
Naonka wrote: Mon Nov 02, 2020 8:16:27 pm
Kara wrote: Mon Nov 02, 2020 8:15:02 pm
Aaron wrote: Mon Nov 02, 2020 8:13:55 pm There has to be some type of award given for the worst perspective of how the game unfolded in Stranded history by my guy @Dan . I don't think there was a single correct statement on mine or Kara's comment in Final Tribal lmfao
ngl i wanted to ignore dan
We all did, sis. We all did....
10/10 he got the worst kara drag...


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By Jeff Probst
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9th Place
I've been on such a rollercoaster ride with Dean this season. He went from the absolute favorite among the lurkers to probably the most hated within a week. They say time heals all wounds, and I think that's the case with lurking as well. It should not be minimized how much people were enraged with Dean for his betrayal and manipulation of Allison. However, it's undeniable how much intrigue and excitement he's brought to the season. I think that's the mark of a great stranded character. I love how much Dean was enthusiastic about the season and playing the game, and at the end of the day, that should be admired.
Wow, what major swings. In the premerge, your essay confessionals and bold gameplay made you super likable, I think even ranking #1 in the first fan favorite poll. Then you teamed up in the douche-bro alliance and got very dicey with Allison to the point that you became the primary villain of the season. And after all the controversy, your dedication to the jury got you back in good graces. For better or worse, one of the first characters I'll think of when I think of this season.
Every season needs a good antagonist and thats what you delivered for me. You were the big bad wolf planning on steamrolling my faves, so watching your alliance get ousted was so much fun. Definitely a top tier confessional though. the 4chan green text was a real highlight of the early days of the game.
Holy fuck, what a roller coaster. At first we loved you, cracked Dean with the late night confessionals and 1000000% commitment to the game. But by going too hard sometimes, you risk doing a bunch of things we don't like too...and that definitely happened. Throwing challenges so early into a swap, where you might have lost it naturally anyways? The bragging confidence about sleazy moves is probably what shifted you from fan fave, to person we were rooting against. At least, it's what shifted me. And Alison may have forgiven you, but the lurkers havenot.
This season we got 6 or 7 different Deans. At the start of the season, you redefined the definition of Confessional King in a way that nobody has done in a while. In the middle of the season we got you bragging about throwing challenges and your bro alliance that you became the villain we all rooted against. And then the Allison thing happened...and then you became a villain in an entirely different way that some people were grossed out about and you didn't seem to realize (hence this lower placement). There's genuinely a 10 second period where Allison messages you "Hi" and then you follow up with telling Aaron "Wtf! This bitch keeps on talking to me". You are a really controversial character, but that's what stranded is all about and I hope you hang about during the post-season.
There's uh, some comments in the lurkers server that I made about you, please know it's not personal. I made that last touchy subjects prompt with you in mind. <3
OK so everyone hates dean because of the shitty way he treated alison and he deserves it. But Dean was amazing TV and thats what FF rankings are supposed to be for.
Incredibly fun presence on this season, especially in the confessional department. People hate you for the Alison flirtmance, which is probably the most controversial moment of the season, but I thought it was cunning & ruthless. Faking your sexuality to seduce a horny broad was like a double win for you, cause not only were you getting her on your good side, but you also got the satisfaction of knowing that she was porking her meat wallet every night before bed thinking about you. Also I feel like you should know that despite what the other hosts say, they were all slobbering on your dick so hard before the whole Alison controversy thing. They couldn’t keep your name out their mouths, they loved you.
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By Jessica
@Alison I'm pretty sure that you and I have the same real life name.... In case you didn't see, I was lurking a lot and read the Disney part in the Pandorosa thread!
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I think the worst part of this is that you had a legitimate shot at winning and cheating really fucked yourself out of that, whether it was your fault or someone else's. I thought you were fun when you are engaged and around. Moreso around the merge when you started to gain some confidence and make some moves. Unfortunately, your game will be marred with the cheating incident.
I'm just here so I don't get fined.
womp womp
This is more than a puzzle game.
Bitch you were doing fine then you HAD to cheat.
Angelina was pretty terrible all season until she magically started to leave great confessionals, found an idol, and then was removed for communicating with another player outside of the game... hmmmmmmmmmmm
I want to say so many mean things about Angelina but I fear that she may end up reading this one day & the last thing I want is for her to unleash a witches hex on me & my entire bloodline.

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By Alison
Jessica wrote: Mon Nov 02, 2020 8:20:31 pm @Alison I'm pretty sure that you and I have the same real life name.... In case you didn't see, I was lurking a lot and read the Disney part in the Pandorosa thread!
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By Jeff Probst
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7th Place
I can't say enough good things about my winner pick John. As far as I'm concerned, he dominated the season strategically, emotionally, and spiritually. I expected a huge character out of John, but what I didn't expect was one of our most beloved characters in how he propped up the underdogs, saw through the bullshit, and played one hell of a game. I think he lasted a lot longer than anyone gave him credit for going into the merge as one of the biggest threats. And I think that that's a testament to how great of a game he played. Everything from finding Idols, giving them to his friends, giving up his safety in exchange for his new Proto tribe; he was just the man this season, and I'm probably the president of his fan club.
JOHNNY MUNDO! A lot of this season can be summed up as you thinking "what the fuck are these batshit people around me doing?!" and somehow still being so likable that you managed to make it to F7 and outlast a lot of the other big threats. Angelina being pulled probably hurt your game a little bit, but given your threat level you were probably fucked unless you comped out. Oh, and to get clarity on your boot - you were honestly safe for a long time until people told Aaron, at which point the vote got flipped on you.
Star of the season from pretty much the swap onwards. Your experience gaming really shone through, and I think had there been a few more people with your ORG background you would have fared way better. You were a clear target from very early in the game and managed to maneuver yourself AND your allies all the way to the final 7. Impressive indeed. Plus you're just a great dude which made rooting for you that much easier.
You. Are. My. Favorite. Thank you for playing. Thank you for all your essays of insights. It was obvious to all of us that your game intuition outshone basically everyone else in this cast, but that also left you nowhere to hide. Every vote from merge on was a constant "Can John seriously make it through another round?". You played smart without playing dirty, put yourself on the line for allies, and adapted to this type of immersion really well. Please come back for an all-stars season. I am not above begging.
You were the biggest babyface that Stranded has seen in a while. You were the loyalest loyal gameplayer who ever loyaled, the biggest threat who people were planning on booting from the Final 17 but managed to survive round after round out of sheer machismo and charisma. In a season with a lot of dickheads (no offense to the dickheads, I'm one of them too), you stuck out like a sore thumb and still managed to give it 200%.
Top of my fan fav all season and players rankings, first podcast I said that I thought you would win. You killed it. But also, fuck you for getting Lauren out.
John would play circles around the cast in any neutral environment. John always expecting people to do things that made sense was a good running gag in the lurkers den
Hi, ThaiSu. You probably have no idea who I am but I’m your #1 fan. Please give me your autograph after this is over. Also, you ran the gauntlet on these dummies several times over. It was like watching LeBron James play a game of pickup basketball against a 12 year old.
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By Naonka
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Jeff Probst wrote: Mon Nov 02, 2020 8:21:39 pm

7th Place
The only person from ORGY in this cast. :heart:

I think we played together in Into The Blue All Stars 2? I was Aaron, lol.


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By Jeff Probst
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6th Place
Alison is the unexpected star this season. For a long time, it looked like it would be John, who was controlling all the strategy and storyline this season; but, Alison had one of the most compelling stories of the season with her authentic relationship with Dean. I think everyone has had that experience of being taken advantage of in a very personal way. So I think that resonated with a lot of the viewers, and I think it's to Alison's credit that she was able to brush that off as a fun gameplay experience. She handled herself with grace and was not afraid to put herself out there and quickly became a favorite of the lurkers. She played an excellent game, and we absolutely loved seeing her stand up for herself and get rid of Dean while still maintaining a good relationship with him afterward. I just think that showed a lot of maturity on her part. I think Alison has driven by majority of the story this season, and it was an absolute blast watching her.
A real hero this season. You played with your heart on your sleeve, and when Dean wronged you and you stormed back it felt like the entire lurker server was rooting for you. And in the end, you even managed to be a big threat to win (even though I didn't entirely see why lol). A necessary character in every season.
In your application, you told us that as a single mother you had no choice but to be an alpha. Maybe it was that alpha energy that had everyone calling you the strategic mastermind of the season, despite you constantly telling us you had no idea what was happening. Either way, an incredible character on a wild season.
From what I've seen of these seasons so far, is that there tends to be this casting surprise where someone really comes out of their shell and is so genuinely themselves that, despite their game play style, you have no choice but to love them. You were that person for me (and I think most of us) this season. You were such a fun, social person, that people took it as intense strategic masterminding. Really, you were just being you. Please don't stop being you. You're awesome.
You were the most unique story of the season. Your story with Dean was the greatest "men ain't shit" moment in Stranded history. While John was somebody we were expecting to deliver and thus, delivered - you were definitely the most unique and amazing character on this season, which definitely had a lot of iconic characters, and I really hope you stick around, you were one of the most entertaining to ever play.
You're someone this season is centered around, you're the protagonist. You made some choices, though. Though this was your first game, and I'm sure in another go around you would learn from your mistakes. You were a huge contender to win and thoroughly entertaining. P.S. Don't flirt with my bf :curse:
Alison isn't dumb. BUT everyone painting Alison as a strategic g.oddess all season was genuinely hilarious. Most of her confessionals were way out of left field and she often said "IDK what's going on"
Don’t take this the wrong way, but my god, you were probably the sluttiest player in the history of Stranded. I mean you played a great fucking game, but still. Reading the nasty private chats between you & Dean was an experience like no other, I’m still having nightmares from when you typed “my mouth is watering lol”. If you seriously need dick that badly, just hit my line after this whole thing wraps up & I’m sure we can work something out.
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By Kara
@John Was my fave too, I was wrapped around his finger early in the game, I love him so much
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By Jeff Probst
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5th Place
Nick was someone who, although game botty, was entrenched in all of the politics this season. I love watching him steal StrandedCoin at every given opportunity. I love watching him flip on his Alliances and lie to everyone. I think Nick is someone who played the game to the fullest, even if he didn't let his emotions get the better of him and that might have made him less exciting to watch.
I think the calls here for being really gamebotty are probably pretty spot on, but I wasn't expecting a whole ton this season and you ended up probably driving the strategic direction of the season more than anyone. The flips you made were great moves and I do really think had you won the last couple of challenges you'd be the winner here.
Your flip on the nyiri bros was the defining move of the season, setting us up for an unpredictable merge game. It did feel a bit like you had checked out strategically for the last few days and just decided you needed to win out. I think if you had kept alison or john for one more round we would have seen you take this home! Glad to have you in the 5th placers club. we're a horrid bunch.
You are definitely more of a calculated strategist than an entertaining personality, but that's not a bad thing. Just when we thought your arc would be the most boring of the season, you flipped on the Nyiri bros and completely changed the trajectory of the game. You also would have been a deserving winner if you'd been able to make it there, and I loved how much you focused on StrandedCoins in your strategizing.
In a way you really reminded me of myself first season, in it to win, knows on paper what to do and socially plays the game well enough and was definitely one of the best gamers on this season. You effectively were 1 decision away from winning. However, also like yourself in my first season, you didn't really show a lot of unique personality to sort of differentiate yourself from the pack. We hope to see you around to really *display* it on the alumni server though!
Your social game sucks but your strategic game killed. But I gotta say, not running circles around the others in the last few challenges was pretty embarrassing, they SUCKED.
Kinda got what we expected from Nick. Decent strategist, overall solid gameplay. Very little personality (other than going off on Dan in his first video which made me lol), but he owns that which I respect. He would've LOVED watching these fools with us.
I think the biggest takeaway we got from your stint on this season is that my fellow hosts should always listen to me. Before the game I told them not to cast you because you would be utter wallpaper who’s social game would leave much to be desired. And lo and fucking behold, I was right. Shocker.

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By Dean
Jeff Probst wrote: Mon Nov 02, 2020 8:25:50 pm (other than going off on Dan in his first video which made me lol)
I know whos confessionals I'm reading first


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By Jeff Probst
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4th Place
I referred to Tommy repeatedly as a "lovable Doof". That's probably not giving him enough credit. He wasn't the best strategically, but also wasn't the worst. He just played the game so genuinely, which just shows that he's a really nice guy that I think everyone would love to be friends with. I thought for the longest time he would win, and I think he would have made a great winner. I'm so glad you made it as far as you did, and it looked like you enjoyed your experience every step of the way.
Going into the Final 7, I really thought this game was yours to win, given your challenge prowess and being perfectly situated in the middle of the threat totem pole. But somehow the final immunity challenge slipped away, which probably cost you the win. You made a couple of key social connections that let you be in on most of the votes, and were part of the flip with Nick that dictated the rest of the season. The sarcasm was a great theme throughout the season.
MY PRESEASON WINNER PICK! I don't care what anyone else says, I loved your confessionals this season. You were such a lost puppy coming into merge after being thwarted by missy one too many times, and then you really came into your own. I was upset to see your goat herding strategy backfire on you at final 4, but can't wait to use it as a warning in future seasons. Thanks or giving it your all!
Tommy, you are such a genuine, good person. We've called you a "lovable doof" all season, and I bet you would have won if you hadn't gotten sniped out of FTC. You served as the narrator for swapped Miombo, and I always looked forward to a confessional update.
In terms of people who played similarly to their rep, I would 100% say it was you. You were personable, charismatic and probably a good guy - just a little bit dull, and considering just how CLOSE you were to winning this season from not the best hand, you definitely showed you have the chops this season.
Tommy was a STRUGGLER. I respect his arch but his reads were atrocious.
I couldn’t stand you, mainly because you have the type of personality I can’t stand. Too nice, too aloof, too oblivious. 100% you were the type of guy to go run & tell a teacher about a fight happening when you were in school. I guess I can understand why some people might find your type of personality endearing, but not me.
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