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Episode 00: Pregame Confessional - Stranded in Tanzania
By Danni Boatwright
Welcome to your confessional Tommy!

This may be the most important place in the game. It's where you will vote and more importantly, talk to us! Feel free to divulge your darkest secrets, current strategies, alliances, and hell... just pure hatred for other players. You are the only player that can view this forum. Outside of Alumni and Hosts, it is completely private. We love getting the dirt and there are plenty of us here to ask you questions. As you can see, this thread is labelled "Episode 00". Each round (meaning challenge + council) we will start a new thread with the title of each episode. After every Tribal Council, a host will start a new thread asking you more questions. Again, this is your forum and you can feel free to start whatever topics or make whatever posts you like. We will be here to help you out, make you think, get you to talk and really just lend an ear.

We take confessionals seriously because we're genuinely interested in your story. We want to know everything you're thinking and more importantly, what you're feeling. Think of it as free therapy. We will be guiding you along the way and asking you questions, provoking thought and helping you think about things you otherwise might not have. We find that just talking through your situation can help you get a fresh perspective on things.

Beyond that, it's just fun. What's more fun is having a record of what you were thinking at different stages of the game, and being able to look back on that is priceless so take advantage of it!

Here is a practice mini-challenge for you to work on. It is a challenge that might appear once or twice throughout the season in a different form. While it will be easier to do in the actual challenge using a puzzle-builder, this will help you practice reposting images. Image posting is something that will pop up in multiple challenges and is a skill that you should perfect. Please refer to the guide in the Camp forum for detailed instruction on how to post images.

This particular challenge is a 4x4 16-piece puzzle. You must correctly unscramble the puzzle using the ORIGINAL image links. Meaning, you can't simply rearrange them in a photo editing program. You must use the original images by using the IMG tag. (more information on this in the camp how-to threads.

Good luck, please ask us for any help or further instructions :)

You will need to reply to this thread ahead of the season and sign the rules in order to avoid being replaced.


Danni Boatwright

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By Shonee Fairfax
Hello, it's me! Shonee Fairfax! I have a few questions.

First, introduce yourself. Tell us who you are, what you do, and why you're here. Take this opportunity to really show your personality.

What is your strategy for winning here? How are you going to get to the end and convince the jury that you're the one who should win.

Does anyone stand out to you solely based on first impressions? (Answer after talking to people.)

Thank you so much, I'm going to use these answers for a secret project. :)

Shonee Fairfax

By Tommy
First, introduce yourself. Tell us who you are, what you do, and why you're here. Take this opportunity to really show your personality.

Are we doing real names here? I don't want to break all the rules before we really get cooking. I am "Tommy Callahan and I make car parts for the American working man, because that's what I am, and that's who I care about." Man, could you imagine if we had Chris Farley making movies all this time? Tommy here, tech sales from Seattle, WA - 38. Just got married about six minutes ago and am back and ready to be Stranded in Africa. One of my last continents to visit!

What is your strategy for winning here? How are you going to get to the end and convince the jury that you're the one who should win.

My start is to be online early and often. Learn about all of my mates and get something strong going with them. I have played in these kinda games before and I know this will be totally different, but the HARD bonds you make preswap/merge can carry huge into a swap when you most likely need to start back over meeting and making allies. If you make it and group back up, you need people pre/post to trust and that is where I hopefully can cash in those relationships. Finding out info AND reconnecting with my previous allies. That and about the 5,000 different things that could and will go wrong before I even get there. I plan on overcoming that shit as well. It ain't over till its over.

Does anyone stand out to you solely based on first impressions? (Answer after talking to people.)

Aaron - A bro and boy can I play a bro since I have graduated from proud bro to embarrassed that I was ever a bro and what the fuck was I thinking back then?? He seems fun and sharp and competitive. Great person to ally with and try to keep close as long as possible.

Missy - Just a quick chat here and there, but enough to move forward with. Playing from a day behind could be a disadvantage of the bat so I really need to lock in with Missy and Aaron and whomever they are close with. I think Dean, Elizabeth, Chelsea and Lauren.

Dean - Has the signs of being a bro, totally is not. Seems very compassionate and caring and a nice guy. A keep around for as long as you need cause, knock on wood, he is not the betraying type. How often are people writing "vibed" in here? I'd imagine a lot as it is a crutch word. But Dean and I vibed...hahaha.

The other girls - Chelsea- really liked, Lauren - liked even more than Chelsea. I hope I connect strongly and can work far with Lauren. Quick and sharp wit and would be really fun to scheme with. We shall see when we are both back on again.

Thank you so much, I'm going to use these answers for a secret project. :)
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By Tommy
@Global moderators Can someone walk me through this practice puzzle? Sorry to be an idiot, but do I save each square onto like a word doc, but assembled then post the whole thing as one assembled image?


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By Gary Hogeboom
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Tommy wrote: Sun Oct 04, 2020 4:58:56 pm Can someone walk me through this practice puzzle? Sorry to be an idiot, but do I save each square onto like a word doc, but assembled then post the whole thing as one assembled image?
I don't know if someone already got to this or not, but no you cannot rearrange them in another software. The pieces must be reposted with the existing imgur urls. To rearrange the pieces you would have to move around the image links/tags that are already provided. I recommend using the "reply with quote" button then utilizing the preview feature to track your piece shifting.
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Gary Hogeboom

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By Tommy
Danni Boatwright wrote: Wed Sep 30, 2020 6:46:39 pm PS- Do me proud, winner pick <3

I just finished this show off Netflix and what a ride. But as for this game, thanks so much for all the faith in me and I know I was not the flashiest or the funniest or one of the loud people. My strategy was to have a killer 1-1 relationship with everyone that I could, but in that with this cast, it appears that I overextended myself just a little to much. I mean it was working and I do think I might have been the biggest target left at F4 (which was my goal, I just thought I would win that last challenge or not be betrayed...I made plans and you ever make plans.)

And you know what, with a couple of major and minor flubs I fucking executed it man, I did it. I know I had some enemies on the jury, but I sure as shit has friends too and I think I could have pulled them over to vote for me at the end. 4 to tie or potentially win, well I think I had Nick/Lauren/Alison's votes in the bag, which means 1 or 2 more.

I was gonna be funny and honest and really get into the highs and lows of how I played. Of the jury I could really speak to each and everyone of them about our personal relationship, my game as to how it was reflective of theirs and then say how I helped them, fucked some of the over, and got out played by some of them. I was not this mastermind that killed the game from start to finish, it was a very nuanced and fluid middle of the pack game that I was nailing.

I don't blame Aaron at all for voting me out at the end. I still am not a fan of the chicken shit blindside "jack was scared you'd make him??/ MAKE HIM DO WHAT? Fly to Chicago with a "looking for fake Jack from Started" sandwich board sign and go sit in Millenium park and hope he shows up?? How could I make Jack to anything you two pussies...(ok, got a little fired up there).

But that answer really turned me off man. It was a strategic move and you almost 100% owned it, but you passed the buck to Jack when really you didn't want to have the tough conversation. You let me get excited for 24 hours and plan speeches and review moves and do a ton of FTC legwork just to "sweep the leg" and take it away.

Again, great game move, but the execution was shit and that is what is going to end up costing you unless you nail Sunday. In my eyes, I think you might still have this in the bag though.

I realized as this went from a thank you to Dani and the mods to a letter to Aaron about why I am not going to vote for him.

I want to vote for Jack, I really do as I think he played a fantastic game for the portion he was present, but this game is about that "yuck conversation" about blindsiding someone and then having to sit at camp with them. I know we are online, but the best way to simulate a at camp presence is to be at fucking camp. So, unless he crushes, and I mean crushes all his speeches and both his opponents tomorrow, I just cant give him the W, I actually think he deserves.

Let's not forget that he cut me too, but my eye is on Aaron. That is another great move by Jack! He could of forced a 2-2 Tommy/Kara tie, but he didn't. He made another power move from the shadows and took a much smaller hit. Really an amazing UTR player. I did not give him enough credit till Pondy, but to be in FTC, it should be a little more obvious than that.

Ok, Dani, back to you. Thank you for the hosting, the rooting, the reading of my incoherent babble. All the bad bolding and quoting and stoned typing. You are one in a million and you don't know how much it meant to have someone in my corner this whole time. Even if I bet I made you pull your hair out. If Aaron and Jack don't make that move, I think we had this thing.

NOW LETS GET DRUNK AND MAKE SOME BAD DECISIONS!! Happy Halloween :beer: :beer: !
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