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I Could Have Been a Contender!! - Stranded in Tanzania
By Danni Boatwright
Hello lurkers!

Tune in here throughout the game to see my round by round contenders list. I'll be ranking the players based on who I think is in the best position to win, also including some friendly banter with anyone who dares to disagree with me!


Feel free to comment with your own lists, your hot takes, or anything else you want immortalized on the forums for the players to see post season.
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Danni Boatwright

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Alright, lets get this thing started. Opening weekend is always such a toss up, and it's almost always unanimous boots for inactive players, so it's hard to gauge who is in the best spot. This is also after me not paying attention all weekend and reading 4 days of confessionals at once icon_stupid
1-Elizabeth: It's heartening to see Elizabeth come back this quickly and give us both her winning personality AND better strategic gameplay. We always knew she had the ability to win people over, but I think isolated showed her just how easy it is to get left in the dust if you don't start playing the game early. She's included in a few different alliances on Miombo, and I think she'll be safe through a swap no problem.

2-Aaron: Hardcore gamebot who has latched onto some likable allies. I love the juxtaposition of him and Tommy and their Scott alliance. Aaron strikes me as the kind of player who will make sure he always strikes first, and makes sure he hits his mark. I think between himself and tommy, Aaron is aligned with almost all of Miombo, and hes one of the few to have clocked how well Dean is playing. I expect good things

3-Kara: Our other iso 5 vet is playing another stellar game over on Nyiri. Like Elizabeth, Kara has managed to mix in some good strategic gameplay along with making her strong social bonds this weekend. shes got the girls all trying to get her into their girls alliance, while the men are also keen on getting her to play with them. Hoping she can maintain that solid middle position and take it to the end.

4-Tommy: I think his alliance with Aaron (and subsequent ones with Elizabeth/Dean/Missy/Chelsea) are going to run the miombo tribe. Tommy is more well liked than Aaron and I think thats going to make him formidable later in the game. We'll see how long they can make it last

5-John: He's easily the most levelheaded player on the Nyiri tribe, which is unsurprising given his background in gaming. I think he's one of the few people on Nyiri who has their finger on the pulse of the alliances in the tribe, yet he isn't going to make a big stink about it. Hoping he can become a part of something a little more solid here soon.

Honorable mentions: Dean, Carl, Alison
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Well, we got a good sense of what kind of season this is going to be last night. A lot of personality, hostility between tribes, and selfish gameplay. We love to see it :) I think I'm starting to get a better sense of who is going to thrive game wise, as well as who thinks they're a mastermind while driving their bus off a cliff.

1-John: If there's one clear frontrunner on the Nyiri tribe, it's John. He is included in every alliance except the fake black widows, and he is on no one's radar. The campy john schtick is working wonders, and his years of ORG experience have put him smack in the middle of the tribe. He'll have options no matter where he swaps, and he has an idol to keep himself safe until merge. The mayor of slamtown is killing it.

2-Tommy: Tommy made some interesting choices last night, but it seems as though he is SO likable that people won't be targeting him for it. It is a bit concerning to be pegged as the most likable player this early, but on the Miombo tribe I think he is one of the few with the social chops to pull smaller moves without blowback. Other players (Cough missy cough) seem to think they're getting away with their bullshit, while it appears Tommy actually might.

3-Elizabeth: Still a queen. Seems to be taking the plays right out of the Ziggy playbook and is making F2 deals left and right. Hopefully she can keep up the social work she has put in with everyone on the tribe and set herself up well for a swap.

4-Carl: He seems to be one of the more perceptive players in the game. He's on a constant lookout for new groupchats, post counts, and other indicators of alliances he isn't a part of. His paranoia has him acutely aware of players like Alison and Jessica, which he has in turn used to make alliances that benefit him. I think his game instincts are pretty good, and I think they'll serve him well through the pre-merge.

5-Kara: I'm a little nervous for her after not being around last night, but I still think it would be difficult for anyone on Nyiri to get the votes to take her out at this point. She's probably getting 5th because of nepotism and likability, but I do think she has the social game to make it deep. Ideally she'd solidify something like a F2 with Nick/John/Carl to get herself a #1 who can help keep her name out of people's mouths

Honorable mentions:

Aaron-we'll see how his lies play out and he'd be back in contention

Dean- I wish he had a real #1

Alison- Playing well but top of Carl's hitlist
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Danni Boatwright

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Last night shook A LOT of things up, but I think thats always a good chance to see if the people you think are playing well have the ability to adapt and better their positions. I think a good chunk of our contenders have shown that they have what it takes to succeed, and that they're willing (for some of them) to put it all on the line to win.
1-John: The mayor of slamtown continues to out maneuver the majority of this cast. He was just gifted davies strandedcoin, swapped with a majority to a tribe with obvious targets. Not only is it a majority of original Nyiri, but it's multiple people who he has considered to be close allies. He has an idol to use in the pre-merge, and I would put money on him being able to find the poroto idol as well. The only downside to his game is that Carl has started feeding information about him to Aaron/Dean, and there's a chance that come merge he will be *THEE* big target. Only time will tell

2-Elizabeth:Normally I would think that getting into a bidding war to get off your swap tribe would lower your standing in the game, but I think Elizabeth's social standing with the original Miombo was good enough to whether any blowback. She now finds herself in a comfortable majority on Miombo 2.0 with 3 people who all think they're close with her, despite the constant shit talk she has about them in her confessional. I think if she plays it right she could be a real contender come merge, just depends if she plays out front on this swap tribe, or if she decides to fade back and let Missy show off a bit. I could see either scenario happening.

3-Carl: Despite losing Davie, I think Carl is positioned very well with the outcome of this swap. He's in the only 3-3 split tribe, and both groups of 3 have one outlier who they aren't super fond of. I would expect Carl to find some sort of deal where he/nick/aaron/dean could work together against Lauren/Jessica, but the two ladies are such wild cards that I wouldn't be surprised if Carl just wanted to steer clear of any drama with the two of them. Either way, he seems to be the OG Nyiri making the best inroads with the new tribe members, and I would bet he'd be the least likely person to be targeted if they lost a challenge.

4-Chelsea: I've been debating whether I wanted to put chelsea on the contenders list all season, as she fits the mold of a solid under the radar strategist. With this swap, I think she landed in a very strong position with her closest ally in Missy, as well as with Tommy and Elizabeth. Now, I do think her obvious pairing with Missy is a slight detriment to her game, but honestly who is going to waste their time targeting Chelsea with loud ass Missy sitting right next to her taking credit for the pair's actions? Idk. I'm just getting better and better vibes from chelsea as this game continues to progress, and I think she's in it for the long haul.

5-Kara: I was going to drop Kara off of this list after she stuck her neck out so far for Christian to stay last night, but honestly this swap was perfect for her. She swapped into a 4-2 majority with 3 people she considers allies, one of them being the guy she literally just saved. I would expect Kara to make merge no problem, I just wonder if she makes it there without trying to do something bold for the sake of making a move, and having it come to bite her in the ass. I believe @Naonka said it best, that Kara is playing it up a bit for the hosts and alumni after a lackluster isolated run. Either way, I'm excited to see what she does on the Poroto tribe and beyond.

Honorable Mentions:
Dean-Lack of close allies. can he and aaron pull it together?
Aaron-Same as Dean
Tommy-Allies are losing trust in him. can he reel them back in?

That's all she wrote. icon_spittake
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I always forget how messy newbies get on the weekends. I love how they're already getting mad at each other for not being available for chatting on a Saturday when they have the day off. Fuckin nerds. :nerd: :nerd:


1-Elizabeth: Continues to be the center of all the Miombo alliances, with everyone coming to her with information. All the while, she hates everyone in the game and complains about them to us. A winning combo for lurkers!! I think Elizabeth is safe through the merge for sure, and I really don't see a scenario where she leaves early merge unless she completely fucks herself. I mean even now, Carl and Dean are counting her as a number against John in the future, so she'll have plenty of options to move forward with.

2-Carl: I think Carl has made the most out of his swap situation, abandoning Nyiri strong and instead opting to make a 4 person alliance with Dean/Aaron/Nick. Now, it's worrisome that Dean and Aaron are talking about just using that alliance to survive and make it to merge, only to rejoin with Tommy/Elizabeth, but I do think it's the right strategic move for Carl. He also seems to be one of the few players who is really thinking long term, and attempting to set up a merge plan. By doing so, he's effectively making people like John/Kara targets come merge, making them out to be the big bads of the season. By also promising to rope in Dan (if he survives Miombo, that is), he has plenty to offer Dean and Aaron to keep himself safe for a bit.

3-Chelsea: Continues to impress me by playing the peacekeeper in that fucked 6 person Miombo tribe. I'm honestly wondering how much longer she can remain aligned with Missy and not have it tank her position. However, shes currently in a super safe position on her tribe with multiple easy targets, a best friend with an idol, and 2 clear boots if Miombo loses immunity. I can easily see her slip into the background at the merge and make a deep run in the game if Missy doesn't drag her down in a blaze of glory

4-Dean: I've been hesitant to include dean in my contender rankings because he's lacked a clear number one ally who he makes real plans with in the game. I think this weekend has given him the opportunity to connect strategically with Aaron and make a plan on how to get rid of Jessica before Lauren (which is IDEAL for the OG Miombo) which then gives them the option to either remain true to their new alliance with Nick/Carl, or abandon it for miombo strong. No one is mentioning Dean as a target, which could be a great setup for a deep run as a contender. He's probably the least likely person to go home on the new Nyiri tribe, and if he keeps building his relationships in this group of 6, I could see him entering merge with a lot of options.

5-John: I've been high on John for a while now, but the way the game is progressing in this swap, I think he's going to have a hard time come merge. His position is giving me major "Jacquie in Austranded" vibes, where he's been pegged as a leader and strategist of a majority alliance that really didn't have too much power. He made the mistake of telling people about his idol, and now that Jessica needs to save herself that information has spread like wildfire, only increasing his threat level and moving him up the target list. He's still in a pretty safe position, but if the other tribes go ahead and throw the challenges like they're planning to, he's going to enter the merge way down in numbers and in some hot water. Honestly, Poroto should probably be talking about throwing as well to get rid of Christian and Jack if they want any chance of getting the numbers together next week.

Honorable mentions:
Aaron: Similar position to dean, but he's less likable. I think he'll be on the contenders list come merge though
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Still so annoyed about the challenge throw last night. It took all my willpower to not just drop that entire tribe out of contention out of spite. Oh well, it will show in my fan favorite polls. Fuck that new orange tribe. icon_hunter icon_hunter


Not much has changed on my list so update will be breif:

1-Elizabeth: Continues to impress me. Plus she has a personality worth rooting for, unlike the Nyiri tribe

2-Carl: Currently in a good spot and found an idol. I'll be interested to see if Aaron/Dean continue to honor their alliance now that they suspect that carl found the idol. I'm hoping they turn on him out of spite so we can all laugh at him, but logically I think that bro tribe cuts lauren because they all suck and they're boring as hell.

3-Chlsea: Still playing the best UTR game of the season imo. Building her bond with Elizabeth is going to help her in the long run when everyone is sick of Missy's bullshit

4-Dean: I hate him now but he and Aaron are really well positioned after Carl and Nick agreed to give up Jessica. Reading his confessionals now that I know he sucks is going to blow chunks.

5-Aaron: I said last time he'd probably make the list, so here he is. Now that he's solidly in an alliance with Dean and has formalized a deal with Carl and Nick, I see him well positioned to make moves come merge. I won't say anything else nice about these new Nyiri people unless they earn it though.

As much as I want to rank John and Kara up here, I think their stock is plummeting with Nick and Carl's defection.

Honorable Mention
idk maybe Tommy? Jack? theres a big muddled mess of middle of the road players who will probably go on to win the season and it's hard to distinguish anything they're doing in the premerge.

For future reference: If you throw challenges to cut people I like, your Fan Fave ranking is going to tank no matter how often you write in your confessional so fuck you Dean

icon_violin RIP Jessica icon_violin

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Let's see if any of my thoughts make sense. If last night is any indication of whats to come this season, we're in for a bumpy ride. It serves as a good reminder that you can be in a fucking great position all game, and one sentence to the wrong person can completley screw you and get you the boot (and idk, maybe some light speculation about who else is playing this season may impact some emotionally unstable castaways, but thats for a different blog or podcast). All this to say @Elizabeth, we love you. Maybe don't spread the idea of throwing a challenge so wide next time :sob:

Honestly I don't have much confidence in this list right now, as I really want to see how chels and tommy react to losing elizabeth. But in the immediate aftermath I don't have great hopes if they're that closely tied to a nutjob like Missy.
1-Carl: Continues to impress me even though I hate that stupid orange bros alliance. With the loss of Elizabeth and the Miombo core alliance in shambles, I think that this group is going to be much more important moving forward. Also helps that he has an idol in his pocket.

2-Dean: lost his number one, but I think it's going to work in his favor. By losing Elizabeth, he loses the delusion that his opening weekend alliances are going to stick through the endgame. My guess is he decides to commit to the bro alliance on Nyiri, and then he's left with the most options of people to pull in down the road. Can't wait for the shitstorm when he finds out what actually happened at tribal.

3-Aaron: Same reasoning as the two above. I'm really starting to think that alliance will run the merge, especially if they get their wish of taking out John right away. Not much else to say other than I like how Aaron feeds Dean's paranoia because I like watching Dean suffer.

4-Kara: Idk why I even bothered ranking the next two. I think it's because I need to see the full fallout on Miombo before I feel comfortable ranking any of them again. Kara seems to be positioned well on Poroto, and of the rumored "Power alliance" from nyiri, she seems to be the least associated with John. I think if the Nyiri bro alliance's plans go through and John is the merge target, Kara stands the best chance of surviving the slaughter and making it further.

5-Alison: Same reasons as Kara. John is such a big focal point for people making their merge plans that it's hard to justify ranking him. I don't like this list lol. I like Alison though. So she gets her debut on the rankings just because I have no idea where this season is headed currently

Honorable mention:
John: You're screwed come merge but you're probably my favorite on this cast. Every round you survive post merge will be a gift


Missy: Bitch what were you on tonight? You'd need to play the most immaculate merge game of all time to make me think you have any idea what you're doing, and even then i don't think you'll have the social chops to make your ex allies want to vote for you. Spawn of Reem indeed.
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Good morning to the three of you who read these blog posts! We lost christian last night and are headed into what I can only assume will be a chaotic and painful merge round. Lowkey expecting someone we love and cherish to be our merge boot.

From the merge on forward, here's how this blog will work. I am going to make my call of the 5 top contenders right here, right now. Those are my guesses as to who will ultimately win the game. Then, during each round, I'll rank the three players who impress me most each round so I don't need to waste so much time writing the same diatribe about the boring ass nyiri tribe bros.
1-Carl: I think Carl is the best positioned player in the game, and one of the few who has articulated what his game plan is for the merge. With an idol in his pocket and a potential majority alliance heading into merge (granted they can flip over Tommy/Chelsea/Dan) he should be in a power position where he can call some shots and run the second half of the game. Luckily for Carl, he doesn't come off as an alpha like Dan or Aaron, so I'd guess our brochachos who like to talk about swinging their dicks and making BIG MOVEZTM are going to be the initial targets of the minority. All this to say Carl is playing a great middle of the road strategist game, and I have the most faith that he would be able to continue that trajectory, even if he isn't my ideal winner.

2-Dean: I'm calling the shot on the nyiri bros, and i'm like 95% hoping that this plan they cooked up completely backfires and they all go home lol. However, Dean will be an interesting one to watch because of his relationship with Jack. I think that despite Jack pledging his loyalty to the Poroto tribe to save himeself, this relationship with Dean will pick up again at the merge and he'll wind up giving the bros all of the information they need. My faith in Dean's win equity is pretty heavily staked in being able to rope Jack back in, so we should know pretty quickly come merge whether this relationship is important based on if Jack starts to lie or not. Curious to see where it goes. PS Still hate Dean srry

3-Aaron: The last contender out of the Nyiri bros because Nick is kind of an afterthought? Interested to see him linking back up with Tommy here at the merge, and by proxy with chelsea. I think those two will definitely be closer to Aaron than to Dean, and that could put Aaron in a powerful position within the alliance,as he'll have the largest contingent of people who consider him their closest ally. He's a bit of a douche so I could see him getting himself in trouble, but he's also smart enough to know when to shut up, unlike someone like Dan.

4-Kara: The heart wants what the heart wants, and I want Kara to win this season so I look at her game through rose colored glasses lol. I think that her alliance of John/Alison/Jack is going to be in a lot of trouble come merge. But I believe Kara would be the last person targeted of the OG Nyiri's in that group, and has a good enough social game to find someone to pick her up as an option should she need to jump ship. A lot could change based on MISSY'S WHISPER that has Dean shaking in his boots, but I'm not going to stake too much on that until we see the players merge. Basically, I expect Kara to make it the furthest of the players on Poroto. so she makes the contenders list. <3 u Kara

5-Chelsea: I think Chels is in a weird spot, but then i think to myself "Who the fuck would waste a vote on chelsea right now?" and I feel better about her chances. We've seen in confessional that shes smart and that she is actually way more fun than she shows in the public threads, so I could see a world in which she hops into a majority alliance with the Nyiri bros at merge and hides behind them for a bit, and then turns the gas on around F9 F8 to start her run to the end. Maybe its just me projecting my hopes and dreams on to her, but I don't see her being a target any time soon unless Missy decides to cannibalize her or something.

It is worth noting that last night Missy made a whisper to John basically alerting him to her intention to work together after she flipped on Elizabeth, which I take as a direct message to me that Missy is sorry she took out Liz and she now wants to work with one of my other faves. Thanks Missy, but you're still my bottom contender until I see some real work in the game, because currently you're near the bottom of everyones list of who they want to vote for :cold:

Looking forward to a fun merge everyone! Thanks for lurking

Danni's Contenders for the win: 5/5 remaining
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By Garrett
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Great picks Danni! Still don't see how you could hate on the meme-making, confessional-ejaculating, medically-unwell, first-time Survivor player and all-around good guy Dean Kowalski, but to each their own. :dunno:
Gary Hogeboom liked this


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By Danni Boatwright
Garrett wrote: Thu Oct 15, 2020 9:35:28 am Great picks Danni! Still don't see how you could hate on the meme-making, confessional-ejaculating, medically-unwell, first-time Survivor player and all-around good guy Dean Kowalski, but to each their own. :dunno:
Oh that's easy. You throw a challenge to vote out one of my faves? ur dead to me. glad you enjoy him though! Everyone needs a couple fans

Danni Boatwright

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By Chelsea
Danni Boatwright wrote: Thu Oct 15, 2020 8:08:54 am
5-Chelsea: I think Chels is in a weird spot, but then i think to myself "Who the fuck would waste a vote on chelsea right now?" and I feel better about her chances. We've seen in confessional that shes smart and that she is actually way more fun than she shows in the public threads, so I could see a world in which she hops into a majority alliance with the Nyiri bros at merge and hides behind them for a bit, and then turns the gas on around F9 F8 to start her run to the end. Maybe its just me projecting my hopes and dreams on to her, but I don't see her being a target any time soon unless Missy decides to cannibalize her or something.
Danni's Contenders for the win: 5/5 remaining
this makes me so sad. thank you for your belief in me, unfortunately it was all for nothing :sob:
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Alright ya'll I took the night. I slept on it, I prayed about it, and I think I've managed to process the sheer stimulation overload that was last night's twist. There were very few real winners coming out of last night's tribal, and they were all viewers.

So. My first contender falls after a domino effect of bad luck. First Lauren grabs public immunity and can no longer be a consensus boot. Then John and the rest of poroto buy tribal immunity and throw off the Nyiri bro's plan of splitting on to John and Kara like they've been planning all week. Then after some great scrambling headed by Dean and Lauren to take out Angelina, all their work is cancelled out by missy's double idol play. So if there's any way to get voted out and still feel confident that you were playing a good game, @Chelsea found it.
So who played the merge vote best? These are my thoughts. Note that this doesn't necessarily think they can win, but I think they made the best moves of the night last night.

1-John: He's still the top of the Nyiri bro hit list, but John correctly called that it would be more advantageous to take the tribal immunity than public immunity with his strandedcoins. It seems pretty straightforward, but making the choice to save 3 other people who will stick with you moving forward is definitely more important than having a public idol, especially since there's a hidden idol in his pocket that's good for a few more votes. John will need to put in some major work this weekend with the people he hasn't met if he wants any chance to survive the beginning of the merge, but he's such a likable guy that he could potentially pull it off. I sure hope he does.

2-Lauren: I just want to talk about this bitch. Shes legitimately the funniest person on the cast. She's also becoming a focal point for all the drama with her blunt takes and no bullshit attitude. Her refusal to whisper while everyone else is panicking is so funny, and somehow it works for her. She was able to get the information that she was going home, and then correctly made the call to snatch the PII and keep herself safe. Once that happened, she was able to help shift a lot of the votes off of Chels and onto Angelina. She had help from the :pop: alliance, but i think with her larger role in the tribal I'd like to associate it with her. sorry not sorry for playing favorites. Finally, one of the things I love about Lauren which I think is a major benefit of her being an experienced orger is that after her blow ups and callouts, she goes to the people who she was fighting with and apologizes, and offers to work together moving forward. Major Brooke/Tiffany vibes from that play, which doesn't say much for her win potential but it sure is entertaining watching such a big personality succeed from time to time.

3-Carl: (and by transitive property, the boring bros alliance) They didn't get their way tonight, but the boring bros were able to feel out a lot of their expected "allies" that they were counting on come merge. It's now clear to them that they don't have the 9 votes they were expecting, and I think if there's any one of the 4 who truly benefitted from Chelsea's departure, it's carl. He reconnects with Dan, he stays mostly out of the drama, he gets info from John/Kara and co despite hating them. I just think he's in a position where the only way he leaves is if he fucks it up for himself by talking too much this weekend.

Long story short: Boring bros are still in the best position to win imo, but the merge is crazy and has already caused some major paranoia. Excited to see where it goes :)

Danni's Conteders: 4/5 Remain

PS- Missy, you're a mess and you won't ever win the game but you are damn entertaining. Probably at the top of my Love to Hate list :kiss:
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By Naonka
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Garrett wrote: Thu Oct 15, 2020 9:35:28 am Great picks Danni! Still don't see how you could hate on the meme-making, confessional-ejaculating, medically-unwell, first-time Survivor player and all-around good guy Dean Kowalski, but to each their own. :dunno:
Shut up.


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Hurricane Missy has passed and it's time to see how the real game kicks off! There's always a moment when the big bad of the season leaves and people scramble to figure out what they want next now that the consensus target is gone. Unfortunately for us, it looks like the only people to plan past the missy vote are our Douchebros from Nyiri, who have John and Alison in their sights.

BUT FOR NOW, lets talk about Sunday. A 7-6 vote, some key flips, a burned public immunity idol, and Missy leaves the game. Who came off the best in that shitshow?


1-Kara: I loved the way Kara played last night. She correctly identified that Missy leaving was bad for her alliance and went to work to try and make another plan. It may not have come to fruition, but it's clear that Kara is already developing good working relationships across the tribe, as evidenced by Aaron already wanting to take her to F3 (although i think he is mistakenly identifying her as a goat.... which is why he's not making my list :cool: ). Anyways, Kara is definitely the Poroto positioned to make it deep despite the tide turning towards John and Alison. I'll be interested to see if she can keep it up.

2-Dean: Ugh. Fuck Dean. I actually get so annoyed reading his confessionals. BUT. you can't deny that he's probably the best positioned player in the game, and that Missy leaving is ideal for his game. He was able to convince Jack to flip back over and vote with them, as well as rope in Alison to give him crucial information regarding the vote. He's already planning how he'll turn on Carl and Nick, and doing so in a way where he can flush Carl's idol. There aren't many players in the game that are matching his strategic plans at this point, and the ones that match are currently well ahead of dean on the target list. But maybe if I start disliking all of his confessionals, he'll completely change his strategy up and start working with my faves....

3-Jack: This is the first time I've talked about Jack here and I'm honestly not thrilled about it. Jacks merge gameplan is to try and ride the middle of the two opposing alliances, and I think last night was the first step in making it happen. By feeding information to both John and Dean, he makes himself instrumental in their plans moving forward. Seeing as Alison has already caught wind of whats happening, I don't have faith that he'll be able to keep this up for much longer, but it's nice to see him do something interesting for a change.

A eulogy for Missy: Bitch you made your bed, but watching you go after Lauren for not saving you when she was the other name up for the vote, and ASKING HER TO PLAY HER IDOL ON YOU AS YOU WROTE HER NAME DOWN cemented you as the villain of the season, and not necessarily in the most rootable way :oop: Aim your villainy at the people who aren't fan faves if you want to be the hurricane we root for :wink:
Danni's Contenders: 4/5 Remain
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