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Day 01 - Reward Challenge #1 - Lucky Sevens - Stranded in Tanzania
Welcome castaways to your first opportunity to make some StrandedCoin in this game!


This is an individual challenge. Each of you will make your own submission. However, up until the deadline, you can choose to coordinate with other players on your tribe.

In this challenge, you will privately submit one number in your confessional between 1 and 7. This number represents the number of StrandedCoin that you want to win. Simple, right?

Here's the catch. You will only win those StrandedCoin if you are the only person on your tribe to submit that number. If more than one person submits the same number, no one will get those coins. Let's run through an example:

Reem submits 5
Loveita submits 7
Danni submits 3
Nate submits 5

Loveita would get 7 StrandedCoin. Danni would get 3 StrandedCoin. Reem and Nate would both get 0, since both of them submitted 5.

You might have noticed, there are only 7 numbers to choose from. So there will definitely be some overlaps.

When the coins have been distributed, we will announce the breakdown of how many people on your tribe picked each number. However, we will not reveal which players picked which numbers. Winners, you'll see the StrandedCoin added into your account.

Choose wisely. You have until 9PM C/10PM E to submit your number. Your IMs will stay open during this time.
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Loveita Adams

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Remarkably on BOTH tribes, there were the same results:

3 people no submit
2 people - 1
1 person - 2
1 person - 3
1 person - 4
1 person - 5
1 person - 6
1 person - 7

We will now distribute your StrandedCoin. You will see it deposited in your account.

Everyone, thank you for a great start to what is sure to be another amazing season of Stranded. We will see you on Sunday where one person from both tribes will receive Individual Immunity.

Take the weekend to get to know your new tribes. Oh, and don't be surprised if there are more opportunities over the weekend to earn more StrandedCoin.

Tomorrow, your first opportunity to spend the money you've made. At 8c/9e you will have the opportunity to purchase a clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol.

Good night and play hard!

Elizabeth, Davie, Courtney and 3 others liked this

Jeff Probst

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