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Episode 01: Welcome to Tanzania - Stranded in Tanzania
By Reem Daly
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Welcome to the Miombo tribe! Hopefully you're hitting it off with the rest of your tribe because for the next 30 something days these people will determine your fate in the game. Just a few questions to ponder as we head into the first week!

1 - Who on the tribe are you meshing with? Who could you do without?
2 - What is your general strategy for the tribal portion of the game? are you looking for a tight alliance, or just going with the flow? Do you feel you're being successful thus far at said strategy?
3 - We announced our first challenge involving strandedcoin and the first opportunity to use them. How do you feel about the tribe distribution of coins strategy? What do you think of the idol? What are your thoughts on strandedcoin and the future it entails for the game?
4 - The first tribal is Monday night, and it's a double doozy! Are there plans in place for an elimination target already? Who are you working with to implement this?

Best of luck! We're so excited to watch you play!

Reem Daly

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By Tommy
1 - Who on the tribe are you meshing with? Who could you do without?

On my tribe I have started or joined depends on who incepted who, with Aaron, Dean and Elizabeth. If I am in the kone that is our core 4 group. The next layer being Jack/Missy/Chelsea. I am working on a tight thing with Missy and Chelsea, but they are more cautious and not willing to jump in bed with me without a little foreplay (smart of them). So between the core 4 if we all do a good job we should bring in enough people to secure the first few votes go our way.

I missed Vince when he was on and the word is that Elaine has not registered, so that will be who I think we should axe first/second., but I could be talked into just about anyone outside of the 4.

2 - What is your general strategy for the tribal portion of the game? are you looking for a tight alliance, or just going with the flow? Do you feel you're being successful thus far at said strategy?

My goal is to find people to trust. I am all in on Elizabeth as my #1 (went for it and asked her to prom and she said YES!). Aaron as my 1b, but behind Lizzy. I think a M/F duo would do better than Aaron and I so I lean Liz as #1. Then dean is just the nicest, so I think he will stay loyal.

Then I want to lean on others to make the hard decisions. I will guide and again "incept" as much as I can without actually saying anything. We just will have to see how devious a squad I am on. So far everyone seems very straight up, which I bet is common at the start. No one wants to make waves. I think it is working!

3 - We announced our first challenge involving strandedcoin and the first opportunity to use them. How do you feel about the tribe distribution of coins strategy? What do you think of the idol? What are your thoughts on strandedcoin and the future it entails for the game?

I got an extra one and Karishma told me to keep it. WTF?!?!? I offered it to her. SO that was strange, but Ill take it. I didnt think we could pull the 27 coins off, but it appears we did. I want to buy that idol clue so bad! I think post challenge I am going to try and get Liz or Aaron to go halfsies. Or hell all of us. We shall see. I am a cheap fuck, so the thought of spending money bothers me, but I think Stranded is going to do a 100x better job than WaW did with coins, so these mother fuckers are coming into play for sure. But I want that idol, so I might be spending some shortly.

4 - The first tribal is Monday night, and it's a double doozy! Are there plans in place for an elimination target already? Who are you working with to implement this?

I was told Elaine and that's perfect. I think there might be an all girls thing already, but not too worried about it.....yet. I know there isnt an all guys thing, so lets even this up 5/5, although Vince next back to 5/4 is still the best first 2 moves.re you working with to implement this?
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Ok, I think I made at least two mistakes. Did it too quickly, let someone else win...and I should have gone for the coins. Elaine is MIA and easy first vote off. This will either put a target on my back as a threat (hopefully not with my group of 4 and 6) or people will want to align with me for doing well. Either way it was a thing and I now i need to deal with it.


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