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Episode 02: Out with a whimper! - Stranded in Tanzania
-- 12th Place - Voted Out 3-(8)-1 --
By Danni Boatwright
One tribal down! It may have just been voting out an inactive, but you've officially made it past first boot territory! I tip my hat to you :hattip:


That being said, the game only gets harder from here.

1-How did the vote come together tonight? was it a consensus boot?

2-How does the introduction of strandedcoin impact your targets on the tribe? How does it impact the way you plan to play in challenges?

3-on a scale of 1-10, how safe do you feel on this tribe? If you feel safe, who do you think should be worried?

Danni Boatwright

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By Lauren
It was definitely a consensus vote. Elaine didn’t show up so it was easy - Vince and Karishma are nexff tc to go but I weirdly like Vince?! We had a good convo last night but it was mostly about retail and all these crazy maskless Karen’s. :unabused:

The strandedcoin thing is very interesting although I haven’t been paying attention to it as much as I should. One reason I’ve been talking to Vince so much is partly because when he goes I can get his coins.

As far as safety goes, I’m between a 6-7. My trust in Missy has gone way down - I asked her if she’d been approached and she said she has, but gave no names. Then, I was talking to Chelsea and she threw Missy name out as a potential upcoming target - however when I was talking to Tommy about getting a group of us together that included missy, he said that if we pull in Missy, then it probably includes Chelsea since they are tight. Tommy then said they always bring each other up when talking to him. So, was Chelsea trying to set me up or get info from me by throwing Missy’s name out to me? I have no idea what to think.


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