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Episode 03: Goodnight, Sweet Vince </3 - Stranded in Tanzania
-- 16th Place - Voted Out 3-2-1 --
What a night! A close immunity challenge, some smack talk, and another player out the door who IS NOT YOU

1-Talk to us about the disadvantages in the challenge tonight. Who do you think went for them? Is this good or bad for you moving forward?

2-Seems like tempers got a bit heated after the immunity results. How do these interactions at challenge beach shape your view of the other tribe? How will this change your game in the future

3-Idol clues have now been offered up AGAIN! Have you been looking? do you know who has been buying the clues?

As always, feel free to share more of your thoughts as they come up! We're looking forward to hearing from you ! @Elizabeth

Danni Boatwright

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By Elizabeth
Ugh I wish disadvantages weren't an option. I'm not happy because we would have won! Like eat shit and die.
I have been overthinking this like crazy but Im leaning towards Lauren/Missy/Chelsea are ones that took it. I believe Vince didn't now after his plea leaving but he also needed immunity. I think it was the girls mostly because they felt safe and way too fucking comfortable. Its not at all good because these dumb baboons will do it again. Its just deciding who to boot first.

Which brings me to the next question. .... I half want to keep Lauren and Missy now. That little fight was perfect for me. Keep being extra so I can hide back here and go unscathed when we all get scrambled. I truly believe they are a shield for the 49th Parallel. They are handing Nyiri a target on a silver platter and that is fine by me. I will keep encouraging the sassy attitudes from them towards Nyiri forward.

I haven't gone for any idol clues yet. Being super cautious for the time being. I did find the hidden 5 coins tonight so that was dope! I now am feeling more tempted with the coin count going up. I think a couple people went for them. Chelsea, Missy maybe even Dean lol why wouldn't they?
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By Elizabeth
My god it smells like a whales vagina up in here.

Starting to actually wonder who the fuck voted Karishma? Im probably wrong but I’m assuming Lauren from our conversation Earlier. Maybe woo’d Vince for coins. Watch it be Jack, the guy I keep forgetting. He’s dangerous!
I literally just remembered Not long ago ,whoever is voted out gives their coins away. I need to start thinking about this a lot more when voting people out. I have to retain so much and juggle who knows what when talking to everyone, I’m forgetting Some important stuff.
Chelsea and Lauren are in the hot seats with the rest of 49th. They’re being super suspect and truthfully they’re kind of a bore. Conversations with missy are falling very flat. :dizzy:


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By Elizabeth
You two kill me hahaha!!!!

But seriously. Wtf was tommy thinking admitting he was the vote For Karishma. Just so he can save Lauren’s ass from being accused?! Be her knight in shining armour. Some things should be kept to yourself Tommy boy cause now you sketch me the fuck out. I’ve been weary about him and I think he has many deals going. Lauren included.


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By Elizabeth
Dean- Down playing his relationships with everyone. I’m having a hard time believing that shit. Yeah, no one talks to you, no one tells you anything my ass :eyeroll: I’ve seen that game play before. LOL! :crazy:

Tommy- Saving his own fucking ass for coins. Only worried for himself. Ride or die? I’m probably the 5th person he said that to! Vince was probably before me! Lauren is in there. For sure! Is it kick a ginger day yet?

Aaron- Too out of the loop to go against us. Space Cadet.

Jack- The one I trust least on this tribe. I know half where everyone else is but this guy. Nothing. He blends in with the fucking bushes. But now I find out he’s got a couple clues and it confirms even more he is dangerous. Playing quietly. Very unpredictable and I think he is a lot closer to Lauren then both are playing it to be.

Chelsea/Missy- I see them as one in the same. They’re playing sneakier and harder than they are perceiving to be! Love the feud with Lauren and fuck Tommy for trying to nip that. Fucking ass trying to protect Lauren. Let these bitches fight it out while we sit back and chill.

Lauren- way fucking smarter than I gave her credit for at the beginning. She knows a lot. Closer with Tommy and Jack than I thought. Maybe even Aaron. I’m ready to cut Missy and get closer to Lauren because I do not want to be in her cross fire!!! Girl is explosive and I need that standing in front of me. Lol Missy is a liability.


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By Elizabeth
Everyone can fuck off today lol seriously.
I’m ready for swap and some new shit to smell!

Tommy/Dean don’t know shit about hidden coins? The 2 most analytical guys that literally know the thread the most don’t know there’s hidden coins?! Fuck Right the fuck off! I fully asked them to see how dumb they would act. They spot every other fucking detail but not hidden coins?

These 2, I’m done telling anything to. Don’t Play dumb with me fuckwads.


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By Elizabeth
I’m loving this beef between Chelsea and Lauren. Let’s hope these two don’t get their wires crossed and catch on to me playing both sides. I won’t even mention the fact that I started the whole thing with one little comment lol “Lauren shut down the girls alliance”
Oops I just did.


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