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Episode 05: Karish-ma Ass (and her fetus) Goodbye! - Stranded in Tanzania
-- 9th Place - Voted Out 5-1-1-1 --
WHEW. Another tribal down and one step closer to that sweet sweet prize money!

1-How has the game changed while playing on smaller tribes? Are you comfortable in this tribe, or do you think you have something to worry about?

2-Now that we're a week in, there aren't many easy boots left. If you had the ultimate say, who would leave next from your tribe? How would that improve your game moving forward?

3-We're still early in the swap. Is there a clear divide between original miombo and nyiri players? or has your tribe started to mesh more?

Please keep us in the loop as you plot your way forward! If you don't, you're...


Danni Boatwright

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YOU GUYS why did you have to do Karishma dirty with a title like that lmfao
Ahh RIP to my favourite goat. It was a longshot but nothing I could have done about it from here.

Also, before I answer the daily questions: Fuck Aaron for suggesting that Nick and Carl are trying to make us vote out Jessica so that Nick uses the idol on her and then they vote one of us out after, because now that's got me all fritzed up to my tits and I absolutely hate this. Not only because it might be real, but because what the fuck, you ruined the blindside potential! If I'm to get voted off the island, it better be in a cool ass eviction or else I'm not showing up.

Eh, it's probably just Aaron's paranoia. Which is surprisingly stronger and more contagious than mine, wow! I mean, seriously, those 3 would need serious mental fortitude to keep this act up. For all of them to act the way they do. They'd have to be damm actors to pull that off, based on our conversations with all of them. And like I said, there really isn't much we can do if that's what they're planning on doing anyway, except win immunity challenges and find the new idol, or wait for Swap #2 to happen. So, I'm sticking with the original plan to fuck over Jessica. Also, god damm it Aaron you have to stop feeding so much info to Carl and Nick! I hope that Aaron's paranoia grinds him to a halt fast on telling them stuff. I can't fully trust Nick and Carl until I see the votes that they have evicted Jessica. And hey, if it is too late for me by then, then shame on me. Aaron never got fired up like this on Miombo ever; he played the klutz really well. I want to say to Aaron, really bro, where was this Aaron before! I-

... Christ. Aaron is going to win a Cultural Victory over me if he makes me adopt "bro" into my everyday vernacular. My god, his power.

Danni Boatwright wrote: Sun Oct 11, 2020 8:59:48 pm WHEW. Another tribal down and one step closer to that sweet sweet prize money!
Finally someone who understands the real motivation for being here, that's like a billion dollars more than what I have now.

Danni Boatwright wrote: Sun Oct 11, 2020 8:59:48 pm 1-How has the game changed while playing on smaller tribes? Are you comfortable in this tribe, or do you think you have something to worry about?
Fuck no I'm not comfortable! At first I hated it and thought I'd be dead in the water (mainly because you know the usual, humans being afraid of change after having stability), and then I felt comfortable with this 4 guys alliance thing that was forming and things seemed to be on the up for about 24 hours (especially mid-day on the 11th since that's when 1011 was formed), but then suddenly, a few hours ago, before I had my wonderful Thanksgiving dinner, Aaron decides to rip my half-virgin asshole open with a chainsaw by telling me his frantic speculation which I have described three paragraphs above. However, I've since then relaxed myself a bit, trying to shoo those thoughts away from my brain and going back to the original Jessica plan.

Let's put it this way: If Nick and Carl do in fact, vote out Jessica at our first tribal council, then I consider this tribe a success and I have 0% fear going forward, and am glad that we got into smaller tribes to pick off some harder players from the original other tribe. But! If they decide to fuck us over and use an idol to save Jessica and then get Aaron out and leave me here by myself, my god. I'm going to turn into Lauren levels of crazy and delusion.

I'm not a fan of the size because it is less people to chat with. Then again, I suppose if it was a 6 person tribe with Elizabeth and Jack, I would say the size is nice because it basically is the former Miombo tribe but weeds out Missy, the woman of few words. Elizabeth can talk so much shit with me and we have similar styles of humour (at least, the closest humour compared to anyone else here) while Jack is just super lovely to talk to as an individual and genuinely talking about our days and such. This swap has absolutely changed the game up for tons of people. Some not so much, like Missy and Chelsea who are buddy-buddy. And that Nyiri majority alliance on Poroto.

Danni Boatwright wrote: Sun Oct 11, 2020 8:59:48 pm 2-Now that we're a week in, there aren't many easy boots left. If you had the ultimate say, who would leave next from your tribe? How would that improve your game moving forward?
JESSICA. On this Or*nge tribe, it is currently 3-3 down the middle. Miombo has a 4 person majority, and Poroto has a 4 person majority, even pre-Karishma vote. Ours is the only tribe where that isn't the case, and so we have to make sure that we get the numbers immediately. By presenting Jessica as a better first target, we can control the numbers and be in a safe position. Both in terms of 3-2 for OG Miombo tribe members, but also, 4 guys against Lauren. Well, to be fair, 4 anyone against Lauren. Until a 2nd swap or merge happens, once we have Jessica out of the way, me and Aaron have free reign of the place. I think long term, and Jessica is better to get out long term. She's in that big damm alliance of, and I quote from Aaron: John, Alison, Christian, Kara, Angelina, and of course Jessica. Right now 4 of them are on one tribe together, so it is crucial that we can vote out Jessica, and Miombo vote out Angelina. We must do all that we can before merge, and that conglomerate can not be allowed to regroup at merge.

Danni Boatwright wrote: Sun Oct 11, 2020 8:59:48 pm 3-We're still early in the swap. Is there a clear divide between original miombo and nyiri players? or has your tribe started to mesh more?
We're the most mixed tribe of 3 and 3. So I don't think we have as much of a line in the sand as New Miombo and Poroto. We all knew that when it came to tribal council, it can't be a tiebreaker. We both had equal big targets of Lauren from Miombo and Jessica from [REDACTED] and pretty neutral people with us four guys. I think that by now, we have meshed as needed. But idk, personally for me, I don't feel much of a bond at all with the other three on my tribe that weren't from Miombo. I've said it a million times in my confessionals already, but I really wish Aaron didn't bring these guys in super close this quickly. I don't think we can trust them fully until they vote out Jessica.

The thing with this new tribe is that we don't get the time nor luxury to get to know one another now. Everyone already has social and strategic bonds with people, everyone knows their role in this story and will do what they can to play it out. But maybe for me it's also specifically Carl and Nick, because Jessica I actually feel okay with, for social talks. Too bad strategically she is the #1 target for me right now. Carl just seems a bit aloof, I'm not really sure what to talk about with him. And again, he's a sports fan. I'm an otaku and a gamer, we're just polar opposites. Nick on the other hand... he just seems a bit guarded, like he only talks to me because I talk to him. He only talks to me when it is necessary, game talk or not. Not only is it annoying for Stranded, it just really irritates me since that's something I've had to deal with quite a bit in my past. I'll not allow that to disrupt my time here.

Danni Boatwright wrote: Sun Oct 11, 2020 8:59:48 pm Please keep us in the loop as you plot your way forward! If you don't, you're...
Ayy you know I'm good for that :heart: If you think I should stop spamming these confessionals with my innermost deep personal thoughts on strategy and other players then tell me otherwise :wink:


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Yeah I don't think I'll practice much time stamp-iness for the challenge, because I'd love to throw it. Jessica must be extinguished. But I need to see more info on the actual challenge before I commit to throwing it.

Also, it appears that 5 tickets are in the lottery for tonight. Well shit. I really didn't want to join in, because I suspect the next clue will cost 7 or 8 coins to get and I need to save what I can. That idol is my mission. But at the same time... mmm gambling for even more coins.

And I think I only have a couple more hours until the draw, fuck.


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I could use the extra money from the lottery, but then again, I would need more money now to buy a second clue. And these bitches are fast with their clues; if I wait too long to get a second clue it might be too late. Plus the easiest way to get income right now is to win competitions, and I don't want to do that right now.

God this is frustrating. I think I best keep the cash.

Now as for this challenge, it seems like Carl is doing his best to practice it, and Jessica too. I really don't think Jessica has an idol right now, and even if she does, well then Lauren goes home and all we have to do is just lose again, and then Jessica will go. There is literally nothing she can do about it, unless she has both the original Nyiri idol and the second Nyiri idol, which would be bollocks. I don't think I can say to Carl "throw it" now, since he's spooked about having her idol. I feel as though Aaron wouldn't wanna throw this one either. Nick, who knows where the fuck he is. He's doing something outside the game so hopefully he'll be shoddy at the competition without the practice. So you know what? Lauren might be my saviour.

I said what I said.

If I can convince Lauren to throw the competition with me, we might be able to lose this thing and be the ones to go to tribal council. One final obstacle to that however, is if Miombo has the same plan, and they manage to fail worse than we do. Tommy got Aaron's whisper, and so they could have made the same plan to fail on purpose so they could vote out Angelina ASAP.


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I wonder if I'll be the one bamboozled at this challenge and we don't lose somehow. That'd be a bit frightful wouldn't it? The only thing that wouldn't make me throw it would be more coins. Like 5 at least.

Actually, imagine if disadvantages were brought back for this challenge. It basically means I get paid to throw the competition. Bring on the disadvantages!

I might as well continue to play Smash Bros in the background while the challenge goes on.


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What a thrilling sensation that eviction was, I do feel like some sort of villain now almost. Getting that "Fuck you" from Jessica really got the blood pumping and I love it. I even laughed hard out loud at it.

Being a two-faced bitch is really a fun hobby, I can see why so many bitches do this now! But I can't be two-faced forever.


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