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Episode 07: Liz Get Down To Business, You Trifling Ass Bitches - Stranded in Tanzania
-- 10th Place - Voted Out 9-1 --

Never a dull moment in Tanzania, it seems :fire: You've survived 6 rounds and it's only going to get harder from here

1-Breakdown your alliances in the game. Are you in any? are you in too many? Which of them are real, and which are just to keep the idiots in line?

2-Modern survivor throws a lot of swaps/twists/advantages your way. How have you adjusted your game to deal with the twists this season? Any guesses on what may be coming down the pipeline?

3-Who do you trust most in this game? Do you think they have your back 100%, or will there come a point where you need to part ways?

4-What a lame prisoners dilemma! No one had to spend 8 minutes sweating bullets worrying about if they were about to go to a triple council. BOOO!!! Were you surprised to see the idol grabbed so quickly? Did it reveal anything about the other tribal dynamics?

Almost through another week. Keep it up!

Danni Boatwright

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1 - Unexpectedly I'm really happy with Missy after she was so shitty. She came to me and told me that Chelsea and Tommy were planning to split last night's vote between me and Angelina which was not the original plan. It was supposed to be a unanimous vote on Angelina. She had no reason to lie to me about it and said they both planned on throwing the challenge. Lo and behold, Tommy 20 minutes prior announces "power outages" in his era and Chelsea threw the challenge. Missy had nothing major to gain from telling me this information so I sided with her and between her, me, and Angelina, we got Elizabeth the hell out of here. The funny part was that I was very straight forward with Elizabeth before the challenge and asked her to tell me the truth because I likely already knew it and she STILL lied to my face. So, she was a snake in the grass and now she's gone. Missy entirely redeemed herself with me as everything she said was true. Now we hold power as a 3 over 2 alliance. I bet Tommy and Chelsea won't want to throw challenges any more!

2 - There really is no adjusting the game to twists, you just gotta go with what happens. I have no clue what's coming next, which is fine. Keeps the game fun.

3 - At this point I have quite a bit of faith in Missy and Angelina, but I have to if I am going to stay around. I'm worried I may have lost Carl to the dark side but I have no way of finding out at this point. I'm with Missy until she proves me otherwise.

4 - I actually misread the instructions on the prisoner's dilemma. There was only about 20 seconds left on the clock and I had to try and get my message in fast which was proving very difficult last night due to connection. I don't know what I thought was going on because it all happened so fast, I just wanted immunity to be absolutely secure in the event something changed with what Missy had told me. Unfortunately, despite lagging internet, I came in one second too fast. That pissed me off. But hey, it all worked out so it's another day, another challenge!


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Oh and Lauren can go fuck herself with her suggested time change. She thinks 14 other players and numerous hosts are just going to cater to her needs? I think not. Especially when she says, "I won't be able to participate in the challenge tonight without this." Awesome. That gives my tribe an advantage. Plus, the rest of us have shit to do too. You knew what you were signing up for and when it was going to take place. Maybe she can change her other plans to happen at a more convenient time for her rather than 20-some other people...


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Funny part is that no one wanted to challenge it on my tribe. Oooooo she will have you in her sights if you do that! Big deal. I was already in her scope and the best she can do is graze me, should she last long enough. Am I the only one willing to swing my dick around? Seems so...


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