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Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit - Stranded in Tanzania
-- 12th Place - Voted Out 3-(8)-1 --
By Nate Gonzalez

So, congratulations on making it to the jury. Everybody left here is going to have a role in deciding the winner of Stranded in Tanzania and will get a spot in the Final Tribal Council – so every relationship you make counts:

1. We went from what was effectively a 7-7 vote to what was effectively a 7-6 vote. Does this indicate that larger groups are starting to form and a line is forming in the sand? Where do you think you stand in this case?

2. Two idols have been played in the last two tribal councils, how do you feel that the threat of powers has influenced your decision making in this game?

3. In honor of the bounty twist which has just been unleashed in the game, do you have a hit list? Who do you want out by the weekend and why? Name the 4 People who you want out by the weekend and why?


Nate Gonzalez

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By Lauren
Well, this update won’t be long enough but that was an exciting TC. I just knew they’d try to misdirect a target, make me feel safe and try to flush the idol out. I was such a bitch to the people who voted for me too. :rofl:

The vote was 7-6 so I didn’t even have to play the idol. Once Dean whispered to me I just kinda panicked and played it on myself.

I don’t know exactly where I go from here but Tommy is the only person I 100% trust as of now.


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