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Episode 17: Down with the Nickness - Stranded in Tanzania
By Nate Gonzalez

This is the final 4. One of you is going to win and three of you are going to lose. You have one tribal council and one jury vote that’s going to determine that. So your questions are:

1. There are currently seven people on that jury. Go through them one-by-one and talk about who you think they’re going to vote for in the Final 3. Who’s the biggest threat? Whose votes do you have in the bag? Who do you need to take out to be able to win?

2. There are four people currently in the game. How do you plan on surviving this round? Who is your target? What is your backup plan if your target wins immunity?

3. Now – for the montage at the end of the season. Reflect on your experience in the game and think about what you’ve done, what you’ve learned, and what you’ve accomplished. What are you the proudest of and do you think the jury will award you for that?


Nate Gonzalez

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By Tommy
Well this is a doozy, but I am going to have to type all this out at some point if I make it through this vote, so might as well now.

1. There are currently seven people on that jury. Go through them one-by-one and talk about who you think they’re going to vote for in the Final 3. Who’s the biggest threat? Whose votes do you have in the bag? Who do you need to take out to be able to win?

Here is my plan with the jury and also why Aaron and Jack are good to take. They have been mostly passengers this game (From Dean on Aaron and I have been controlling the game, not going to take that from Aaron, but the Dean, Carl, Lauren votes and heck both of us on the Chelsea votes, Aaron was dragged along. Jack I am hoping everyone stays consistent and does not vote for him. If they jury is that bitter, damn. I still feel like if Jack would have stayed online to talk and own his moves, he would of had a lot more respect from the jury, but that is the "yucky" part of this game and hard to do.

Lauren - WILD Card vote, she was my F2, my fuck up cost her in this game (gonna own that differently in FTC) and she might vote for the game she respects, might vote for Aaron since he never "betrayed" her, might vote for Jack cause its fun. I think he vote is very much in the air and I am going to try and win it.

Carl - Could be an auto Aaron vote, but Carl is a gamer. He will of by now learned it was not Dean that flipped, but Nick and I, so I really hated the Carl vote out, but it had to be so that I could regain the control I squandered by warning Alison. Carl prob will not vote for me since I cost him his game, but he might also respect the gamesmanship of it all. His elimination was the start of my endgame run. Like that move sealed the entire direction this game was going to go. And it was a crazy blindside cause they really were flexing at Tribal. Did not see the Nick move coming. Well done Nick!

Dan - Hes gonna do what he wants. I dont think he has an affinity for any of us and he was voted out by everyone, so why not vote for Tommy. He played a very relaxed game and almost was cool with going out. His out vote was on me, which is not a good sign. Another wildcard in my eyes, but I could see a chaos Dan vote here just so he can make a little speech, call us idiots, and then vote for whoever the dice tell him to or some shit.

current count 1 - Aaron 2 - wildcards

Dean - Should be Aaron of Jack, but also might respect the game and chuck me a vote, doubtful though since he was not happy about going out and Aaron did not blindside him.

John - I want the John vote. We played similar games. Were aligned, betrayed each other, and I won that betrayal contest. He cant take the high road on my, I hope he respects my moves enough to vote for me.

Alison - Either she loves me and will vote for me, or she is setting me up, but I really think I had a connection with Alison. I made emotional moves to save her. I was honest when she went out. (I did vote for her twice...yikes). She is a fantastic person, I wish her the best in everything, great to talk to, I want this vote too, but respect any decision she makes, unless that is not voting for me, then ill give her some shit and move on.

Nick - Gonna pitch Nick the same way I asusmed he would pitch me. We made the same or similar moves and he wanted to make it to the end and win. He thought he could with that game, so why not reward the person that did it better?? Seems logical to me.

I am really counting on these later vote outs votes. So I am hoping we have

Lauren - WC
Carl - Aaron
Dan - WC
Dean - Aaron
John - Tommy
Alison - Tommy
Nick - Tommy
4th - Prob Aaron

That is my best guess as of this moment.


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By Tommy
2. There are four people currently in the game. How do you plan on surviving this round? Who is your target? What is your backup plan if your target wins immunity?

JUST WIN BABY!!! I also have had a F3 with Aaron and Jack so any of us wins it should be Kara. If Kara wins I think I am out, but she really really hates Jack. Maybe she takes me out of blind hate.

If Kara wins as well, I am really hoping Aaron and I are onboard for the 2-2 tie. Or he gets jack to vote me and kara to vote jack and we both vote jack. This will be interesting if none of us 3 pull out the win.

Target - Kara
Backup - Jack

Kara is really really good at this game. I totally underestimated her effort from the merge. She must be on mobile more than on cause she has relationships I never expected, just a force socially and in challenges. She has a F2 with Aaron, so Aaron is sitting pretty at the moment. (Kinda why I wanted to take her out over Nick, cause I think Nick takes me to Finals, but Kara wont) BUT, Nick was the best in challenges and at F4 you have to win that challenge. So I would rather have a better shot at immunity than being taken, so Nick had to go.


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By Tommy
3. Now – for the montage at the end of the season. Reflect on your experience in the game and think about what you’ve done, what you’ve learned, and what you’ve accomplished. What are you the proudest of and do you think the jury will award you for that?

Well this is a fucking thesis paper waiting to happen. I am gonna bullet point this so its not a scroll of babel.

Done - Man, I have done a lot. Bad, good and inbetween. I have worked my ass off socially cause that is the best thing you can control in this game. Effort and relationships. Idols, immunity, twists, votes, you really cant control, but the relationships. That is all how hard you work and I worked hard. I received coins from 5 players, I blindsided several people after I was super blindsided. (this is fall into what I learned Q). At the F7, I had a F3 with all 3 pairs and was able to choose who went out (John), then my F3 with Nick and Kara took out Alison. My f3 with Aaron and Jack took out Nick and if everything goes to plan it will take out Kara tonight. Holy shit that would be cool if it all worked out. The last vote I did not really factor in to would be Chelsea and we bungled that as a group by announcing our target and then voting that target, really bad tribal for the

Learned - I hands down learned the biggest lesson of this game before it was too late, thank you Missy. She could of taken me out there, but again my relationship there saved me and she took out Liz. I learned at that point in the game that people are going to betray you, so make the move first, and I have EVERYtime since. Unless Aaron/Jack double cross me tonight, I have made EVERY MOVE FIRST. Carl, John, Nick, Dean, even Alison (sad). I was not about to get Missy'd twice.

I learned that I am Capt Bridesmaid when it comes to idols. Just wasn't meant to be, but I am good at solving those clues second!!! I

Accomplished - Nothing until I am at FTC. Nothing has been accomplished yet. Hahaha, wouldn't it be lame if that was my real answer? I have accomplished so much and am really proud. This game is hard as fuck, stressful, panic inducing and I have been able to navigate it all without a therapist. I was not able to go from our OG 6 to the end, that was a pipedream that I somehow thought could be accomplished, idiot. However, I was able to use that relationship foundation with Aaron to make a hell of an endgame run and hopefully get both of us into the finale.

I also should have one of the fatter bank accounts in this game, how many advantages can I buy for this final challenge? I would like my ropes pre cut, puzzle pieces not buried and to have Dani carry me up any walls we have to scale?? Is that too much? Or maybe we can take these 64 coins and bribe Gary to send Ang some nudes??

I am the most proud every single part of this game outside of getting Lauren voted out. The rest of it is going right on my corporate work resume right away. Way more important than any of my IRL work accomplishments.

Thank you all hosts however this plays out. I will never be able to have as classy an exit as Nick (what a stud by the way). But thank you for all your hard work. What a fucking ride man. I really only thought I was out possibly 1 time, but I have been on pins and needles every tribal! Thank you all, 1000x over.

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