- Thu Oct 22, 2020 8:13:12 pm
Have to redo for answering myself and 3 peating. Sorry.
1. Who is the biggest final 3 goat? Jack
2. Who would you most expect to be asked back for an All-Star season? Angelina
3. Who is the most likely to win the game? Nick
4. Who does not deserve to still be here? Tommy
5. Who would you trust with your life? Alison
6. Who do you think has the most enemies on the jury? Nick
7. Who do you hope to never interact with again after the game? Dean
8. Who is most likely to stab you in the back? Dean
9. Who mistakenly thinks they are in control? Angelina
10. Who is the biggest strategic threat in the game? Dean
11. Who uses their sexuality as a weapon? Kara