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Episode 00: Pregame Confessional - Page 2 - Stranded in Tanzania
-- 9th Place - Voted Out 5-1-1-1 --
By Dean
Alright, I'll submit 1 for the reward challenge. Even though I DID say 2 originally. I feel like I'm starting to tick already at not being listened to but that's a minor scratch on the surface right now. I just met these people.

... somebody is gonna vote how they shouldn't and we are all gonna get 0 coins, I bet. But idk, are there any trolls in our tribe? Well we will find out after this won't we?


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By Dean
What the hell is up with the other tribe stealing our idea, fuck off copycats. One for all is how we did Lucky Sevens and we rocked with it.

I just hope everyone gets their dues. But again, I don't know what the coins will be able to buy so I can't say much of how I want them.

And Jeff, what the FUCK do you mean buy a clue? There better be some clues to idols that I can get on my own! Ugh, I hate finance. No literally, I hate handling money. I just want to put it in my bank or my wallet and only use it when I need to.

Anyway, I think I have enough data gathered to write about my fellow tribe people. I'll write it out after this comment.


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By Dean
Shonee Fairfax wrote: Thu Oct 01, 2020 4:25:47 pm First, introduce yourself. Tell us who you are, what you do, and why you're here. Take this opportunity to really show your personality.
I already answered this, but I just wanted to also add I'm pretty perceptive and analytical. Maybe you can tell based on how paranoid I was making all those observations and shit. You can expect that from me this season.

Shonee Fairfax wrote: Thu Oct 01, 2020 4:25:47 pm Does anyone stand out to you solely based on first impressions? (Answer after talking to people.)
Now, for this! I can finally answer! So, this is based roughly on 4 hours worth of talking with these people. Here are my initial reactions:

I don't trust anyone 100% quite yet. Actually maybe I never will trust someone 100%; it's fucking Stranded. Everyone is happy faces atm, and I do like this honeymoon phase of getting to know each other. Will this last? Definitely not. It might not even last tomorrow. There are a few people I am a bit more comfortable with than most. And I don't know if people genuinely like me or if they're doing a "Final 2 with everyone" type of deal, but a lot of people want to work with me? I mean cool, but seems stressful to choose who to really align with.

I suppose it's realistic to not have chats up forever, but it sucks that group chats fade away over time since I feel like I'm forgetting things already about some of these people lol. That might sting me in the ass later. I'm definitely going to keep a notepad or something or write it all out later so I don't forget to retain important information. Anyway, I give you names.

Oh one thing, HEY CASTING, LIKE AT LEAST 3 PEOPLE TODAY TOLD ME THEY ARE OR WERE A BARTENDER. GET DIVERSITY. WHERE ARE THE TURKISH OIL WRESTLERS AT. I don't think bartending is a common career on average... is it? Lol, just a funny little tidbit I noticed.

The tl;dr If you simply wanna know who I trust for strategy or who I am comfortable with, I guess the top for me are Aaron and Elizabeth, and Jack too but not for strategy, for now at least. Anyway, let's write:

Aaron might be a surprise, at least to me. He seems like he could be a jock or bro kind of guy, which is mostly the opposite of me. I mean, he even said "we will catch-up tomorrow brother" like dude nobody has ever called me brother before, what? I'm just waiting for him to say "your boy". Which I'll gag hard at if he says that tbh. Also he seems pretty into sports and I'm like oof can't relate, and then he asked me about being a big survivor fan right after that so double oof. Having said that, he seems sweet but... maybe a bit, um, forgetful? Something like that. And he said to me "just based off the conversation from tonight I feel you tommy and I can think analytically about the game and get ourselves far" like ummmm I did not get a single vibe that you can analytically think at all lmfao :crine: I feel like I'd be doing most of the work. But still, he claims that he and Tommy both feel good about me, and, well maybe it'd be good to have Aaron as someone to work with. However, I don't know if he trusts me more, or Tommy more. I think that'll come with just talking with him. I know he and Tommy can bond over sports so that's a disadvantage for me. A 3 person alliance could be cool, but if I'm the 3rd wheel then that's gonna be shit. Having said all of this... I think I trust him the most so far out of everyone. And you know we both suck at math so that's another thing to bond over lol.
aint gonna lie tho it also helps that his avatar is hot to look at when talking to him... mmm beards

Elizabeth is not only from Canada, but she's from Barrie, which is like an hour north of Toronto. We also have some similarities, like having family in Atlantic Canada. Normally I hate positive discrimination, but hey if she wants a Canadian to go far then I'll make a Canadian alliance with her and bring her to jury for the sake of it, lol. I feel it is more of a de facto duo and we currently aren't de jure working together yet. And she gives me vibes that she'd easily betray people no problem. So I'm careful about her, since what's stopping her from doing that to me. But still I'm open to doing business with her. And hey, bonding over the thought of voting Elaine out because "when I see the name Elaine I just think of Elaine Bennis dancing and I just have to vote that thought off the island" is funny as hell (you're welcome btw Elizabeth) and hopefully we can be friends at the very least. Maybe we can bond over how much we hate Ontario's government too (cuz she'd be crazy not to hate Doug Ford are you kidding me). I trust her second most right now after Aaron. If she didn't seem as... backstabby as my intuition is telling me, she'd prob be my #1.

Jack is so sweet holy shit? He seems the most compassionate out of anyone on this cast so far. I told my story to him (and only him so far), and idk if alumni can read our IMs but if not, I'll type out my story on here eventually, in full form. But he seems really invested in listening to me. Which... is bad haha I'm supposed to be the listener here! But regardless, so far he seems to be an angel and I hope whenever his time comes, he doesn't get a blindside. He doesn't deserve it. However we haven't talked game at all, and I don't know how he is with challenges, so I'm holding off on alliances for now. I want to say that I'll be his ally, but he seems really sweet to the point where I imagine he talks to everyone like that. But lemme tell ya, if it is him who comes to me with a proposal to work together, I'll probably take it. Oh, he just told me right now that he did a lot of free time at a comedy club. That's swell, but for the life of me I can't picture him there. Unless he has more of a calmer witty humour or style. I hope he tries his comedy act on me, that could win me over in the early days.

Missy just told me right now she is a conspiracy theorist and I'm just like :yikes: :yikes: :yikes: I mean, my uncle is a conspiracy theorist and oh man it's wild. Like, you can believe in a conspiracy theory, but the fact you wear it as a label is a little bit... different than what I'm used to. Out of everyone so far, she is by FAR the most different than what I expected her to be. Her conversations don't really flow that well in my opinion and talking with her seems... how can I put this. You know when you talk to someone and they give one word answers? And it's frustrating because you want them to say more or be more expressive? That's how I feel with her. She doesn't say one word answers but that same feeling is what I get from her as we talk. Also I was dumb and agreed to work with her, so fuck me since I feel like if I go back on that, that she'll have a shitfuckeryfestival in my honour. And I didn't want to work with her right away like this. So she'll definitely have to be a blindside target later on. But hey, maybe I can use her. She loves BBCAN though so she gets points in my book for that. I think I'll need a few more days to get a better read on her on whether she's worth trying to ally with or try and drop altogether.

Lauren said "Hey Dean" and I said "Hey Lauren, how goes it?" and then she says "You're kinda cute" WHAT. Like, my sexuality is definitely not something you can label with one word, but I can aggressively tell you that it absolutely doesn't involve women flirting with me :barf: :barf: :barf: but I can flirt back in a joking way and I have. She sort of caused a bit of a fiasco (I think only from my perspective) in the group chat when I said I'd do the 2 coin for the challenge, but then she did it? And in group chats you can't go back to see what was said, so I couldn't give evidence that is what happened. Also kinda ticked nobody stood up for me, like Aaron buddy, you claimed 3 the same time I claimed 2, you could have said something. But it isn't a big deal, nothing to send Lauren home over. But yeah, Lauren kind of claimed it after I already did, and Elizabeth (who was organizing at that point who was doing what) said that Lauren claimed it. And Lauren, not gonna lie, seemed a bit... loopy? in the group chat overall. I have no idea where her head is at, but I don't think I trust her right now. Joke flirting is essentially the only thing we have together and even then... ehhhhh...

Chelsea didn't talk much to me, or in the chat. It was sorta weird since Missy said that she felt the closest to me and Chelsea, so maybe Chelsea chatted with others more? Or it was Missy being Missy. Either way, I think Poody swept her off her feet the way he did to me :shifty: we basically have the same origin story of why we are on Stranded; got kidnapped from Reddit as innocent bystanders. So we have that connection, but we didn't talk about much else. I think maybe she is a bit timid? That or she just doesn't have the same passion for this game like I'm exhibiting right now. I'm still open to trying to get to know her more since I feel we haven't connected much yet. I guess "distant" is the right word to describe her. I think we'd get on (not saying we'd be best friends or anything but we can def be cordial and have a chat) but she seems a little absent here and there. And not in the Karishma way. Actually, idk what that last sentence means, but I'm leaving it in anyway.

Tommy was the only one out of the original log ins (meaning who were on sharply the first 10 mins the game started) who didn't talk to me right away and I didn't talk to him either. Eventually I thought I can't let him slip by, so I messaged him finally after I thought it was appropriate. After seeing tonight, I think Tommy will be a personality to look out for. I think he can command attention. I don't want to say the IWTWWH sentence but... I want to work with him. Kind of. I think he'll be valuable. However, I can't say for sure he will want to work with me, because once Aaron told me that Tommy thought about working with me, and I wanted to fact check, Tommy already hit the hay. So I'll find out tomorrow with our first strategy talks how he is. I didn't get much time to chat with him either since we started our individual conversation later on than I did with others, so I'm not sure what we can bond over so far. Hopefully I can pick apart his brain and find a mutual interest, and then I can get my foot in the door that way.

Karishma is Pizza-chan to me since that's what I remember most about her. Pizza finally got to her house and it was cold. A sad plot for the first story of Stranded. You know, I get a sensation that she uses or used Tumblr at one point. I also get a sensation that she is very young. At least... I hope she is lmao. There's not much to say about her tbh, she came in at different odd times today. I don't have a bad opinion on her, but I don't have a great opinion on her either. Definitely the definition of neutral to me so far.

Vince didn't show up at all today until like an hour after the challenge or whenever it was. So he and Elaine were easy targets for potential first tribal council, but he at least did show up eventually. I don't judge religious people, but it is rather interesting that I now know an adult who does bible study. Or, sorry, Life Group (like wtf is that name, I thought he was at some off-brand AA meeting discovering himself or something with a group name like that). He then spoke with me about food, and I am so not a foodie, so I was kinda bored. He doesn't seem like a bad kid though. I have no read on him for strategy. If he brings up wanting coins from the challenge then lol that isn't happening, you weren't here bitch. Otherwise, if he makes it past this first tribal council alive, he could raise himself to be safe with the right people. But when 9/11 of our tribe were online in the first like 20-30 mins of the game, we all had time to get together as a group and mutually bond. Missing that is sort of bad.

Elaine was my favourite character on Seinfeld. She's not on Stranded.


So basically, I'm feeling Aaron and Elizabeth going forward, and I love my convo with Jack the most.

Then there's Chelsea, Tommy, and Pizza-chan, where I'm not totally sure about them yet and gotta talk more with them. Although Tommy I want to work with if he's down. If so, then he moves up the ranks to the A tier.

Then there's Missy, Lauren, and Vince who I'm really unsure on, for various reasons. Missy I need a better read on, she seems... herself. Lauren seems to wanna hop on this dick. And Vince just got here and almost everything we've talked about so far I don't care about. Also I don't even know his gender, because he kind of talks like a girl? Idk. He called me sister, and I definitely don't think he's a James Charles fan.
Spoiler: show

And again, Elaine:

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By Dean
Good afternoon to me and me only.

Danni Boatwright wrote: Fri Oct 02, 2020 10:05:00 am While I LOVE that you trust myself and the other hosts to make your stranded coin transfers for you in confessionals, I would urge you to never trust anyone with your money because you’re gonna get scammed.
I can't even trust the hosts? :shock: Boy if you don't-

Danni Boatwright wrote: Fri Oct 02, 2020 10:05:00 am Time to put on your big boy/girl pants and manage your own affairs!
screams in not wanting to handle money


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By Reem Daly
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Dean wrote: Fri Oct 02, 2020 1:02:26 pm Good afternoon to me and me only.

Danni Boatwright wrote: Fri Oct 02, 2020 10:05:00 am While I LOVE that you trust myself and the other hosts to make your stranded coin transfers for you in confessionals, I would urge you to never trust anyone with your money because you’re gonna get scammed.
I can't even trust the hosts? :shock: Boy if you don't-

Danni Boatwright wrote: Fri Oct 02, 2020 10:05:00 am Time to put on your big boy/girl pants and manage your own affairs!
screams in not wanting to handle money
You can trust me with your coins, I promise :inlove:

don't trust us with your money, never trust a ho
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Reem Daly

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By Dean
Reem Daly wrote: Fri Oct 02, 2020 1:24:00 pm
Dean wrote: Fri Oct 02, 2020 1:02:26 pm Good afternoon to me and me only.

Danni Boatwright wrote: Fri Oct 02, 2020 10:05:00 am While I LOVE that you trust myself and the other hosts to make your stranded coin transfers for you in confessionals, I would urge you to never trust anyone with your money because you’re gonna get scammed.
I can't even trust the hosts? :shock: Boy if you don't-

Danni Boatwright wrote: Fri Oct 02, 2020 10:05:00 am Time to put on your big boy/girl pants and manage your own affairs!
screams in not wanting to handle money
You can trust me with your coins, I promise :inlove:

don't trust us with your money, never trust a ho
That's it I'm going broke the rest of the season and donating my Stranded coins to United Nations Charity of Snuffing out Hoes
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By Dean
Not many people are online atm to talk to about this but I found some depressing ass news, that is new to me but not everyone else I reckon, since everybody here do be a Survivor fan.


I just found out, they took out Ancient Voices in the newest Survivor seasons? What the fucking ass is this? :curse: Like that is a SYMBOL of a generation you can not just DO THAT

And I find out because I was like "oh hey let me see what Dean's intro looks like along with everyone else" and there is no official intro for my season.

Omg. I just had to vent because. Fuck. How can you watch Survivor and not have that playing? Survivor is no longer canon, it's sin.


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By Dean
My tribe is living their best lives right now, instead of having no life like myself, and so far made Friday a total borefest. Silly bitches all of them are.

I think the "Black Widow" group does in fact belong to the other tribe though, since I'm the only one online (shocker) for Miombo and there's dozens of bitches on Tribe Not-Miombo, and it says "3 Online" for that group. So clearly, there are definite players over on that tribe, from this tiny deduction. I wonder if it is a girl's alliance or not. That, or they all love Iggy Azalea.

Elizabeth is really the only one who checked in today. Missy and Jack also spoke a little bit here and there. Aaron spoke for like 2 mins in the group chat at noon which I missed out on. And Vince said he'd be on later. Oh, and Karishma went in group chat to talk about food again. Not Pizza though :shock:
I suppose having at least Elizabeth and sometimes Missy and Jack today is better than having nobody to chat with and then yelling like a crazy person as I type down what I'm saying. Thank god I don't have neighbours right now, or a microphone at my chest...
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By Dean
Oh no, even Jack loves sports too! I'm clearly the token not-sports-man of the tribe this season. But oof, he loves LeBron which is pretty yikes :yikes: :yikes: :yikes: #standwithhongkong

Anyway I ain't here to discuss political issues (yet). Someone on the other tribe I believe bought the first clue to the idol. I wonder if that person planned to share the clue too like Elizabeth wanted us to do. I'm still a little unsure whether I would or not have done that. I got a better vibe from her today than yesterday, and I feel I can trust her more now. But still, I don't want a situation to come where she has the idol and doesn't follow thru with giving me it so that I go home next tribal, or some other fuckery like that. This is Stranded people, we should all be second guessing everything and having trust issues with everyone!

Well that's what I say to justify my crazy paranoia. Haha unless?


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By Dean





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By Dean
Hmm. Jack wants 2 coins now in order to work together. I... suppose if I do the math, I either give 2 coins and he can tell me the clue, or I give 5 coins on my own for it. But there is no guarantee that Jack wouldn't fuck me over and not directly tell me it, as nice as he is. Because I'm not gonna lie, he just switched on game mode right the fuck now and it's freaking me out how different he seems lmfao.

And now Elizabeth wants to get the clue too. Well shit. Talk about being at a crossroads. I can't do both of them, because they both want payment in different ways, and I'm not paying twice for a clue. Ohhhhhh fuck Jack why'd you have to go buy that clue :crine: I'm trying to do damage control to make Elizabeth not want to buy the clue and just wait it out.

And tbh I never even wanted this clue. Maybe the next idol I'd finally spend my coins, but I think it's too early to do this shit. Those are my thoughts though, maybe it is best to try to get it. Again, I don't know just how valuable idols are at the early game.

you hosts are all personified queefs, why did you have to implement coins now, in this year of our lord 2020, when the global economy is crashing

So, at the moment, the people who want to work with me are:

- Jack
- Elizabeth
- Missy
- Aaron (with Tommy)

This is almost too much attention, I did not want to be the token player with all the alliances. I feel like Tyler on Big Brother; I did not make the first move to establish an alliance yet everyone wants me. But I mean, you can't really say no to them when they ask without provoking attention from them that I'm working with someone else, right? I know I'm awesome, but this attention is too much for just the second day. Now as more people want me, I'm going to have to cut someone I'm close with even quicker now than I planned.

Everyone, my journey on Stranded is gonna get messy in a week or so I bet. I know that's when the shit talk thread will kick off after I have inevitable arguments with people.


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By Dean
Why'd I just give Jack 2 coins oh god oh fuck oh god oh fuck I commited I am now in for the long haul with this! I can't let Elizabeth buy a clue or else I'll be wasting money

... Hmm, seeing 11 coins is still not overly bad. I technically have a clue now, and I'm still 1 coin richer than when I started.


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By Dean
So this first clue, it's gotta be Zanzibar. It could have been somewhere else like a safari, but "bar" made that too easy. Now, what fucking bar are we talking about here? And what drink or patrons or other stuff does this bar have to offer us?

I'm gonna keep spamming these confessionals or else I'll go more mental than I ever have. I need to breath lol.

Oh and also, I forgot to write this ages ago, but remember when I mentioned that Missy said she got on with Chelsea? I think there is a good chance they could be working together. Chelsea is online right now and has been for a while, but barely says anything to me. And when Missy went offline, she suddenly had time to message me. Something tells me she'll be working against me later on.


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By Dean
Second night over! Here are my thoughts before bedtime!

Basically tonight: Friendship ended with AARON, now JACK is my best friend.

You had a wedding to go to Aaron I know, but man, I never realized how much you can miss in one day. Glad I wasn't the guinea pig to figure that one out. Closer bonds developed today with Jack. I also got much closer with Elizabeth too! Our de facto Canadian alliance has become de jure. Jack and Elizabeth are definitely my two closest allies as of now. I want to say in terms of loyalty I'm like... 55% Jack and 45% Elizabeth. It's a very close race. I wonder if I could get them to work with me in a 3 person alliance... nah, that's too early for that. I have a good thing going right now, I don't want to disturb the peace just yet. In a while I might try to sell that idea to them.

Jack buying that clue actually got us really close together. I trusted him, and at least so far, it has paid off wonderfully. We both solved potential answers with the first clue. I said that it probably is located on Zanzibar due to being a tourist spot, and he deduced the bar could be Gerry's because of the "hello" line in the clue. We work well as a duo methinks. He's such a nice, good guy, (already knew that though) and he helped me get 3 dollars off for buying a clue. Well StrandedCoin anyway (hashtag not sponsored)

Now I'd be a dolt to think nobody is lying to me so far, but, as obvious as it is to say, I really hope Elizabeth and Jack aren't lying to me about any crucial things. I haven't told anyone anything yet about big information I've gathered. The clue with Jack is staying right the fuck with me, especially since I'd never live it down if Elizabeth found out I shared a clue.

Missy!! What are you doing girl? She literally told me so fucking casually "just talking a little game with Chelsea" like guuuuurl. She trusts me way too much. That, or she simply doesn't know what to keep to herself. She also just threw Lauren's name out to me as someone she doesn't trust. But like, right out of the blue she did it (I mean same I don't trust Lauren too much but still). So, either Missy trusts me a lot, or she be doing this with everybody. I never talked game with Chelsea, and my position on her is the same as last time, but much more cautious than ever about her. Not even from the comment from Missy, but because she just doesn't talk with me at all when online. I don't know if Missy is telling Chelsea "just talking game with Dean" or not, but I have to assume that Missy is. And if she is, then I can't remain an ally to someone like that. So far, Missy is definitely a blindside target in the making.

Tommy didn't show up at fucking all. Everyone else showed up at least once today, even if it was one or two sentences in the group chat. I know it is his honeymoon, but dude. I'm willing to give him a chance once he is back home in Seattle. But if he still shows this level of inactivity when home, then I don't think I can work with him, that's a sinking ship waiting to happen. Then again, I do need a goat to bring to the finals, don't I? Actually, a goat is something I have never thought about yet; never thought about who to bring to the end as a goat. Then again, it has barely been over 24 hours since the game began, so I'll know better who is a goat later on. Maybe Vince or Karishma currently is a goat for me. And to be real, Tommy is too at the moment.

Aaron missed today, but he'll probably come on later tomorrow, as were his words in group chat. I have to catch him up to speed, but I have to also make him not freak the fuck out about the idol and the clue. As you can read here above, I already had quite the mini-freakout about all these people with clues wanting to work with me all at once. I don't need a sequel to that with a 4th person.


Oh, WAIT a damm MINUTE! I can do the same thing Jack did to me! :mindblown: Ohhhhhh good shit incoming! I can say to Aaron that I bought the clue myself, but I want 2 coins as compensation for buying it. Then, I can share that clue with him. Then of course, depending on how I'm feeling with Aaron, I may or may not give him the info about the next clue probably being about a famous bar in Zanzibar. Once I'm done sucking his bank account dry, I might suddenly forget where tourists go in Tanzania. Poor dude didn't even know where the country was. But, sigh, neither did Elizabeth either... I mean, seriously. How hard is it to learn geography, people? I bet half of this lot can probably name every sports star on all the major league teams, yet I bet these people would take at least 5 full minutes to just think of 20 fucking countries. I can draw a map of the world blindfolded if I want to.

Anyway, enough about circlejerking myself... but god, I do love doing that. It's time for bed. Let's see how tomorrow develops! Oyasumi~
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