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Episode 03: Goodnight, Sweet Vince </3 - Stranded in Tanzania
What a night! A close immunity challenge, some smack talk, and another player out the door who IS NOT YOU

1-Talk to us about the disadvantages in the challenge tonight. Who do you think went for them? Is this good or bad for you moving forward?

2-Seems like tempers got a bit heated after the immunity results. How do these interactions at challenge beach shape your view of the other tribe? How will this change your game in the future

3-Idol clues have now been offered up AGAIN! Have you been looking? do you know who has been buying the clues?

As always, feel free to share more of your thoughts as they come up! We're looking forward to hearing from you ! @Jack

Danni Boatwright

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By Jack
1. I'm so shocked about the disadvantages. I think that Vince might have taken one, especially if he knew he was on the outs. Since he didn't get the 3 Coins we did from the first reward challenge, he would have had 10. And if he wanted to buy a second clue for the idol, he would have needed two more. So it was kinda the perfect bait for him to take. Or, he's the perfect person to pin it on. I'm thinking that maybe Lauren took the disadvantage too. She posted that she wasn't going to be able to help in the challenge bc of a spider bite, and if she thought she wasn't going to be able to help us/ we wouldn't win, there could have been a real incentive to take the Coins. If people think I took one, that's bad news for me, but I think I've been able to convince people that I didn't and they believe me.

2. That blow up after the challenge was hilarious. Honestly, I think it was good for morale. Looking forward to round two!

3. I've definitely been looking for the idol. I thought the second clue would lead me and Dean right to it, but it hasn't turned out that way. But yeah, I decided to share the clue with Dean again. I think most of my tribe bought the clue, based on who stuck around after the challenge last night: Aaron, Chelsea, Elizabeth, Tommy. They're all really smart, so I think maybe someone scooped it before we did.

The second clue actually threw me off a bit. It confirmed the suspicion that Dean and I had about it being hidden on Zanzibar. However, it made me think that I misinterpreted the first clue. I was so certain that the line "they'll have you at hello" was a reference to Jerry Maguire and there's a bar on Zanzibar called Gerry's. I thought figuring that out had us one step ahead of everyone else, but the second clue didn't really confirm that. In fact, it made me think that maybe we'd gotten too specific and we needed to zoom out a bit. We'll see.

Dean continues to be my #1. The more I talk to that guy, the more I realize we have so much in common. I continue to be impressed by his outlook on life, challenges and how to face them, and his ability to be vulnerable and share his story. He's such a good dude.
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By Jack
Hop on those brooms, seekers, cuz we've got a SNITCH!

So Lauren has finally started telling people that I shared the first clue to the idol with her. She told Dean, who confronted me about it, and I gave him a full confession. Honestly, it was a relief to tell him, because I really don't want to keep anything from him. But Dean also told me that she's giving this information out to other people too.

I'm pretty pissed about it. I made a mistake talking to her on Day 2 and I've regretted it ever since. But now I worry that Elizabeth, Tommy, whoever else she told all won't trust me. I want to talk to them about it, clear my name, but if her goal is to make me seem suspicious, then doing that might play exactly into her intentions. So instead, I'm kicking back and waiting to see what's in store for us after the Nyiri Tribal Council.

Oh, and that idol definitely got scooped from right out under my nose. I am certain now that the clue was Nungwi Beach. AND that I had interpreted the clue correctly the first time - Gerry's Bar was totally a clue! I just wasn't fast enough.

So where am I on Day 8 of this game? My name is being dragged thru the mud, I have no idol, no StrandedCoin, and I'm potentially getting split from my tribe. If things keep going this way, and it's 2020 so why wouldn't they, I can bet almost anything that Lauren and I will find ourselves together at the end of whatever twist unfolds tonight. Fan-fucking-tastic.


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