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Episode 03: Goodnight, Sweet Vince </3 - Stranded in Tanzania
What a night! A close immunity challenge, some smack talk, and another player out the door who IS NOT YOU

1-Talk to us about the disadvantages in the challenge tonight. Who do you think went for them? Is this good or bad for you moving forward?

2-Seems like tempers got a bit heated after the immunity results. How do these interactions at challenge beach shape your view of the other tribe? How will this change your game in the future

3-Idol clues have now been offered up AGAIN! Have you been looking? do you know who has been buying the clues?

As always, feel free to share more of your thoughts as they come up! We're looking forward to hearing from you ! @Tommy

Danni Boatwright

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By Tommy
1-Talk to us about the disadvantages in the challenge tonight. Who do you think went for them? Is this good or bad for you moving forward?

I think it was Missy/Chelsea and no it is not good for me. Our team already has distrust, which is good for me cause I trust my squad (I might have fucked that up with this rouge vote, but my story checks out). I thought about going for the coins too as we had another "easy" vote off, blew that, shoulda grabbed the coins. Great challenge BTW, zero complaints from me, we just got beat.

2-Seems like tempers got a bit heated after the immunity results. How do these interactions at challenge beach shape your view of the other tribe? How will this change your game in the future

So as I posted in the group chat. I just kept hitting refresh like a moron and people were talking, heck Aaron chatted me and I was too scared too look cause I thought it was during tribal. So not only on the vote revel, but also during all the fireworks, I am sitting on page 2, while its all happening on page 3. Meaning I missed it all in real time and was playing super catchup. Seems fine with me, good to paint targets that are not me if/when we swap. (Now Missy/Lauren/Karl/Jessica and Plain face all hate each other.) Good for Tommy

3-Idol clues have now been offered up AGAIN! Have you been looking? do you know who has been buying the clues?

I am trying to get Missy to give me clue one cause no fucking chance she finds it off one clue. That is part of why I think she has the $$, she dont give a fuck!!!!!!!! So, I got a part of it and it was just enough to drive me crazy. I might just break down and buy it for the fun of the hunt. I really want to see if I can get it. Some "you had me at hello" which is Jerry/Maguire or Dorothy Boyd. I goodled both and there is an authother that writes about Tanzania named Mcguire, so there might be something there. I just don't have enough to really nail it, so it will remain a mystery until I can get missy to spill the beans. No clue what anyone else is doing.

As always, feel free to share more of your thoughts as they come up! We're looking forward to hearing from you

MAN, this is so much fun. Wish I would stop shooting myself in the foot and we could win some shit, but other than that, having a great time. Hopefully I didnt just burn my group of 6 or 4. I dont think so, but they seem out for blood, as you all could see in the challenge chat.
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By Tommy
Random thoughts:

1. Again, great challenge
2. Missy will cut a bitch
3. Lauren would prob take it a step further
4. Some awesome internet smack talk at last challenge, what a treat
5. If you hid coins, dean has found them
6. That Walking Dead finale was kinda a dud, but had some good parts
7. We need a win here bad tonight and I think the other tribe is better than us. Not a lot of people were chiming in on that challenge. And Vince WAS, so getting rid of him is no bueno other than for the long game since he had zero loyalties to anyone.
8. I do think some of my tribe mates are stupid, which is not good, not like "you're stupid," but like dumB with a cap B. That is ok and all, just observation.
9. Covid Test yesterday, way worse than the first, I think the guy swabbed 50 iq points off my brain. Only way to explain my dumb move last night.

Ask away and I shall answer!


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By Tommy
Ok on my apology tour.

Liz and Dean talked to. Aaron should be no problem. Lauren (if I tell her, I have to) and Missy/Chelsea will be much tougher, but I might make it through this. USE YOUR SOCIAL GAME TOMMY, you are not a devious dude, moron.


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By Tommy
Chels, is happy I did it, on paper. I bet shes pissed, but hopefully it all is washed away by the day and after we lose or win tonight. I put lose first for a reason, they are better than us.


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By Tommy
Apology Tour is mostly over. Lauren and Karishma don't seem to care or have not brought it up with me. Not sure if any of my 5 allies has spilled the beans but soon it will not matter anyone. As long as they don't secret bounce me if we lose, which could happen. Gonna be nervous if we lose.

Jack- We cool
Dean - We cool, took Lauren he wants to take a shot at Chelsea
Aaron - We cool, does not fully grasp what I did
Liz - Cool
Chelsea - pretending we cool
Missy - Prob heated, but MIA
Lauren - we cool and she don't know
K - Not sure what planet she is on, but LOVES AARON and that is good for us.


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By Tommy
Ep 3.5 Update.

Ok, so if this is a swap, which I really think it is 6-6-6, man I hope I end up with NOT MISSY, cause I burned her and she is the only one to say to my face that she does not trust me really. Which I totally understand cause I basically lied, well I totally lied, so lets call a spade a spade. So if this is a swap I like being paired with anyone on my team obviously, but if I had my choice I would go in this order:

Liz, Dean, Aaron - any of them
Jack, Lauren - I think they both stay loyal
Karishma - Wild Card. I think we have won her over, but she easliy could flop to save herself, or even just cause she has no fucking clue what is going on.
Chels/Missy - They are a hard pair, I think they both dont trust me. Chelsea is super smart and I think Missy in vindictive. I still want to work with both of them, but my dumb move makes me scared of them if they have to feed the other tribe info. I move up the vote out totem pole.

I think anyone else would keep my blunder a secret other than the bottom two.

Q @Global moderators if I buy the idol clue at Miambo, can I go for that specific idol at anytime, or do I still have to be on the Miombo tribe. I guess are the clues tribe specific? Thanks!!


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By Reem Daly
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Tommy wrote: Thu Oct 08, 2020 10:29:23 am Q @Global moderators if I buy the idol clue at Miambo, can I go for that specific idol at anytime, or do I still have to be on the Miombo tribe. I guess are the clues tribe specific? Thanks!!
Hey, Tommy!

You only have access to the clues of the tribe that you are currently on. You also only have access to the idol forum of the tribe that you are currently on. Clues can be purchased at any time in the game.

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