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Episode 03: Goodnight, Sweet Vince </3 - Stranded in Tanzania
What a night! A close immunity challenge, some smack talk, and another player out the door who IS NOT YOU

1-Talk to us about the disadvantages in the challenge tonight. Who do you think went for them? Is this good or bad for you moving forward?

2-Seems like tempers got a bit heated after the immunity results. How do these interactions at challenge beach shape your view of the other tribe? How will this change your game in the future

3-Idol clues have now been offered up AGAIN! Have you been looking? do you know who has been buying the clues?

As always, feel free to share more of your thoughts as they come up! We're looking forward to hearing from you ! @Kara

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By Kara
Talk to us about the disadvantages in the challenge tonight. Who do you think went for them? Is this good or bad for you moving forward?
Oh my gosh this is such a scary concept. I have no idea who would've went for them- probably someone who feels pretty comfortable with people assuming it wasn't them so maybe Angelina or John. This isn't good at all moving forward- I think a game like mine works best when your loyalty isn't put to the test so avoiding tribal council as much as I can is probably a good thing- these disadvantages throwing a wrench in the tribes chances really sucks because I do think greed could be the downfall in this game of balancing coins and stranded life.
Seems like tempers got a bit heated after the immunity results. How do these interactions at challenge beach shape your view of the other tribe? How will this change your game in the future?
The other tribe seemed mighty salty and though I wasn't there they kind of seem like an overkill tribe. It was definitely petty and unnecessary and that kind of karma is going to put there asses back in tribal again. If you don't want to go to tribal maybe win something? IDK it doesn't seem like rocket science to me but maybe I'm a purist.

As far as my game in the future, not going to get to a head of myself- but if there's a swap or a merge I assume they'll be sticking strong with eachother and their bad attitudes so I'll have to stick with Nyiri.
Idol clues have now been offered up AGAIN! Have you been looking? do you know who has been buying the clues?
I feel like everyone has been buying the clues- maybe except for me. I'm not really searching at the moment I feel maybe there will be a better use for my coins and I can try and pry idol information from one of the girls' alliance members. I've got a 1 in 9 shot at finding the idol maybe my odds are better spending my coins elsewhere and using them to bargain if I ever need too.
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By Kara
I think I should update my outlook on my tribemates. From who I trust the most to who I trust the least- well the top 3 for now.

1. John

Okay, controversial maybe because I feel he is playing super dumb on purpose. I may just be paranoid but I'm almost sure he has an alliance with the other guys on the tribe. With that being said- He seemed very genuine in assuring me that he wouldn't vote for me had we loss the challenge I wasn't present for and I enjoy talking to him. I think the James Dean alliance is a good extension to the social relationship we've built and I hope he trusts me as much as I trust him.


2. Nick

Similar to John, I think Nick is working closer with the guys than he'd like to let me know- which is fine because I have the same thing going with the girls. I feel like he's someone I'm not really worried about talking game with, and i feel like he could end up pivotal to a lot of decisions on the tribe. I'd definitely like to work with him on a much higher grade, I feel like he's a loyal guy. James Dean alliance was totally my way of letting him into my game and hopefully he takes the bait and trusts me more.


She acts a little slow sometimes but I do like her, and feel like out of all the girls on the tribe I trust her the most, and I do feel like she could be a good ally down the line. Sometimes she asks me questions that make me feel like she doesn't trust me which is what bumped her down this line.


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By Kara
Ummm, The idea of a guys alliance being on the tribe has crossed my mind a lot. If it's true and Nick, John, Dan, Davie and Carl are all working together that leaves us ladies out numbered. It worries me because I am not a fan of playing against the numbers- that's not my hero story at all so I think maybe sooner rather than later it's time to take out a guy that isn't christian. After chatting with Jessica I'm starting to realize that maybe using christian as a number is smarter than voting him out. We lose christian and technically our fates are sealed- because he could be a vote on our side if the boys haven't reeled him in yet.

I think if we lose tonight it's going to an interesting tribal council.


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By Kara
Reem Daly wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 7:58:00 pm
Kara wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 7:34:59 pm i'm trying to keep my cover as a newbie here, i literally almost shouted u were my fav in the nyiri chat. LEAVE ME ALONE.
Ouch. I see how it is :sob: :crine:
I recall reem getting me evicted in 17th place
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By Reem Daly
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Kara wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 7:59:02 pm
Reem Daly wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 7:58:00 pm
Kara wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 7:34:59 pm i'm trying to keep my cover as a newbie here, i literally almost shouted u were my fav in the nyiri chat. LEAVE ME ALONE.
Ouch. I see how it is :sob: :crine:
I recall reem getting me evicted in 17th place
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! Nah, that couldn't have been me. Had to be the real Reem Daly. I would NEVER :broken:


(I love you. kthnxbai)
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By Kara
Reem Daly wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 8:02:43 pm
Kara wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 7:59:02 pm
Reem Daly wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 7:58:00 pm

Ouch. I see how it is :sob: :crine:
I recall reem getting me evicted in 17th place
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! Nah, that couldn't have been me. Had to be the real Reem Daly. I would NEVER :broken:


(I love you. kthnxbai)
ur a queen.

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By Kara
So I actually like Christian... And I maybe don't want him to go... The next person I am least associated with would be Davie so maybe- just maybe I can get the James dean alliance + the black widow alliance to vote for him and we can make a little move tomorrow at tribal? I guess we'll see. this could also backfire on me but.. so be it.


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By Kara
I also got a little treat from the miombi camp in the form of two coins. I'm definitely not telling the rest of the tribe that I got anything from Missy, because I do think that this was a good move an her part, maybe she suspects a swap and is working to cover her bases- which is smart and though I see through it- I appreciate a move like that.


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By Kara
My objective this tribal is to get a Davie vote out. The hard part about this isn't getting the votes- it's not blindsiding and isolating Dan and Carl- who i believe may be working with Davie a bit closer than anyone expected. I think by eliminating a boys number the idea of that alliance can fizzle- and if Nick and John are really down to do it this can be really good for my game in the long run. Christian is of more value to me than Davie at this moment I believe so it's my best best to try and keep him. I think he's closer with some of the girls.


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By Kara
STEP 1: Make Christian believe Davie and the other boys want to vote him out- and the only way he stays is by voting with us against Davie (Dan looking like a good option just worried about his relationship with Nick/John). I'm going to appear out of the sky like Christian's Knight in shining armor, the angel sent down to save him from the fiery pits of tribal.

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By Kara
Lightly mentioned the vote to Dan and he got sketchy about it. SUSPECT, yeah davie definitely has to go- and if I pull it off and end up not going home myself (yikes, i'm really pushing this could backfire) I have a plan to stay in Dan's good graces if I have too.

But yeah him getting defensive about Christian tossing out Davie's name (it was me) is a major red flag.


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