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Episode 03: Goodnight, Sweet Vince </3 - Stranded in Tanzania
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What a night! A close immunity challenge, some smack talk, and another player out the door who IS NOT YOU

1-Talk to us about the disadvantages in the challenge tonight. Who do you think went for them? Is this good or bad for you moving forward?

2-Seems like tempers got a bit heated after the immunity results. How do these interactions at challenge beach shape your view of the other tribe? How will this change your game in the future

3-Idol clues have now been offered up AGAIN! Have you been looking? do you know who has been buying the clues?

As always, feel free to share more of your thoughts as they come up! We're looking forward to hearing from you !


Danni Boatwright

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By Angelina
1: My thought process is that only Christian needed the coins to purchase idol clues, but his activity log doesn't correspond with him being online at the time that it occurred. Which narrows it down to one of 8. Kara wasn't at the challenge but she gets on so often that I can't completely clear her based on last activity. The Lyrsa coin distribution puts a spin on things as well. I don't care about the disadvantages that much, we would have won tonight anyway if anyone had stopped talking and guessing random ass colors enough to actually listen. That was a popular logic puzzle with a documented rapid-find solution, not some magical idea that one of the hosts just dreamed up. I was just too frustrated to deal with people so I left.

2- I hate literally every one of them and I'm cringing at the fact that I'm going to have to interact with them in the future. They act like children. I'm hoping it's just them trying to act a part and be entertaining but if they act like that in private too I'm going to yeet myself off Mount Kilimanjaro.

3- I know a few who have. I'm about 80% sure that the second clue is referencing the Laetoli beds and the footprints there. Which...now that I just typed this up I realize that it says the beds are in the DISTANCE so maybe I need to be looking geographically around that area. Not being able to see the password when I'm typing it though annoys me enough that I stop after a few tries every time.

I don't really have any other thoughts overall. I'm not wasting time guessing about what's going down tonight. I don't necessarily feel like Christian should go, but I don't have strong leanings towards anyone else either. Can I vote for Missy?

THERE ARE YOU HAPPY, REEM?? :bird: :eyeroll:
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