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Day 09 - Immunity Challenge #4 - Kick Rocks - Stranded in Tanzania
By Jeff Probst
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Immunity Challenge #4 - Kick Rocks

NOTE: This thread is where you should post asking questions. If you reply to the other thread, your challenge time begins.

Overview: For this challenge, you will all compete individually. The tribe with the most overall points OR the tribe who completes the challenge the fastest in the event of a tie wins Immunity.

When you reply to the Challenge thread, you will see 7 posts. Your goal will be to find seven blue rocks numbered 1 through 7. You must repost all seven rocks as images in your confessional. When you do this, your time stops.

Sometimes the rocks will be obvious, sometimes they will take some digging. That is all part of the challenge.

You will only have 20 minutes to complete the challenge. If you cannot find all 7 rocks in the 20 minutes, you will only score a point for each rock you found.

- You must post all 7 rock images in your confessionals as images, not as links.
- You can strategize with your tribe ahead of the challenge, but not after you have posted in the thread.
- You cannot help your teammates in this challenge, it is individual.

Required Tribemembers: 6

Time Limit: Challenge will end at 7:00c/8:00e sharp Sunday, October 11th. Results to be announced shortly afterwards.

Tribal Council will follow at 8:30c/9:30e, voting will be due at 8:50c/9:50e. You should prevote if you cannot be there live.

Jeff Probst

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By Dean
Jeff Probst wrote: Fri Oct 09, 2020 4:43:05 pm - You must post all 7 rock images in your confessionals as images, not as links.
Should we post these 7 rock images separately as different replies, or altogether, or does it not matter?

Jeff Probst wrote: Fri Oct 09, 2020 4:43:05 pm - You can strategize with your tribe ahead of the challenge, but not after you have posted in the thread.
- You cannot help your teammates in this challenge, it is individual.

If I read this right, we are allowed to strategize beforehand as a tribe about this challenge, and are no longer able to do so after we posted in the other thread to begin. But, that means the individual, right? Meaning, if only 1/6 people on a tribe post to begin, then will the other 5 still be able to plan and strategize about the challenge, so long as they don't talk to the person who did do it already?


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Dean wrote: Fri Oct 09, 2020 5:05:43 pm
Jeff Probst wrote: Fri Oct 09, 2020 4:43:05 pm - You must post all 7 rock images in your confessionals as images, not as links.
Should we post these 7 rock images separately as different replies, or altogether, or does it not matter?
Does not matter
Jeff Probst wrote: Fri Oct 09, 2020 4:43:05 pm - You can strategize with your tribe ahead of the challenge, but not after you have posted in the thread.
- You cannot help your teammates in this challenge, it is individual.

If I read this right, we are allowed to strategize beforehand as a tribe about this challenge, and are no longer able to do so after we posted in the other thread to begin. But, that means the individual, right? Meaning, if only 1/6 people on a tribe post to begin, then will the other 5 still be able to plan and strategize about the challenge, so long as they don't talk to the person who did do it already?

All of this is correct.

Jeff Probst

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Chelsea wrote: Fri Oct 09, 2020 7:16:41 pm
Jeff Probst wrote: Fri Oct 09, 2020 4:43:05 pm Your goal will be to find seven blue rocks numbered 1 through 7. You must repost all seven rocks as images in your confessional.
do you have to post the rocks in order 1-7 or does the order not matter?
The order does not matter.

Loveita Adams

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