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Episode 05: Karish-ma Ass (and her fetus) Goodbye! - Stranded in Tanzania
WHEW. Another tribal down and one step closer to that sweet sweet prize money!

1-How has the game changed while playing on smaller tribes? Are you comfortable in this tribe, or do you think you have something to worry about?

2-Now that we're a week in, there aren't many easy boots left. If you had the ultimate say, who would leave next from your tribe? How would that improve your game moving forward?

3-We're still early in the swap. Is there a clear divide between original miombo and nyiri players? or has your tribe started to mesh more?

Please keep us in the loop as you plot your way forward! If you don't, you're...


Danni Boatwright

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Danni Boatwright wrote: Sun Oct 11, 2020 9:03:37 pm WHEW. Another tribal down and one step closer to that sweet sweet prize money!

1-How has the game changed while playing on smaller tribes? Are you comfortable in this tribe, or do you think you have something to worry about?

Well I am super lucky in that are four of us and we are tight. We have some issues. Mosty we need to keep Missy from being paranoid, but her paranoia breeds more and so on. Vicious circle that is gonna cost one of us at some point in the 6 or sooner. She might light a fuse and put it out with one of us. That Message aaron sent was perfect. Wish I could of sent a screenshot cause I dont think Chels or Missy believed me, but it confirms what we thought. Ang gotta go. Dan seems a lot like me, not sure if there is a future there, but if he can sneak by, nah prb not.

2-Now that we're a week in, there aren't many easy boots left. If you had the ultimate say, who would leave next from your tribe? How would that improve your game moving forward?

F*ck yeah there are. Angelina gotta go before the next shuffle. Then Dan of course. I hope that is how we are all thinking. I know Missy has doubts about either me or the others. So Ang gotta go before she links back up with her obviously better at challenges than us, squad...man I am embarrassed by my 6, so many people killed it.

3-We're still early in the swap. Is there a clear divide between original miombo and nyiri players? or has your tribe started to mesh more?

YUP, we paid for it and it was well worth it. Dan, meshed well and I think I would have really liked Angelina if we started together, but we didnt so she is gone first chance we get.

That coin post is pretty cool, so I am gonna waste a bunch and go hard for this idol. Ill buy clue 2/3 instantly cause this one could be easier to find. I think they want it in play.

Keep Missy happy. I want to work with her deep into this game.


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I went back and received 24 coins from Karishma.

Vince - 10 coins
Karishma - 11 coins (base 10 + 1 team win)
(3) - unaccounted for. one of them prob took a penalty

Neither got any on the first challenge. Vince was gone before we won a challenge and received any extra. Karishma never asked me for a coin, so I kept 4.

Ok, so if I received 24 from Special K, then one of them had to take a disadvantage, but I will push it towards I received the MIN from her (just her) and paint a target on someone else as a Coin Taker in the early challenges.


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