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Episode 06: I Jess That's Why They Call It The Blues - Stranded in Tanzania
-- 16th Place - Voted Out 3-2-1 --

So, another day another confessional. I’m sure you are making whatever alumni selected you as their winner pick really happy (or sad) (or neither):

1. So, the last challenge. Very difficult. Some of you rose to the challenge, others of you crumbled. Did the last challenge change your views and perspectives of your tribemates?

2. Idol Hunting. They’re here. They’re there. They’re everywhere. With a potential of five idols in the game at this point, do you have any idea where they are? Any idea on where to procure them? How much have idols influenced your strategy so far?

3. Tribe Divisions. Some tribes stick together and some tribes fall apart. Every tribe now has a mismatch of members of both the original Miombo and Nyiri tribe. Do you think these bonds are going to matter long-term? How does this impact your strategy going forward? How do the bonds you are making your new tribe impact this?

4. Lastly – what do you think of your fellow tribemates. Drag ‘em, Roast ‘em, Read ‘em, Put ‘em in a Stew. Feel free to give your honest opinions on your current members on your tribe. Feel free to be as brutally honest as possible. Fan favourite is on the line.

Nate Gonzalez

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Oh I wonder who has me? I'm sorry if I'm disappointing you!!!!!
Just kidding
I'm giving my all and I dont have much to work with right meow!

I honestly at one point thought these bitches were throwing it. I think I felt like I should have went last. I had some good timing earlier without delays or glitches but who knows. I did not care enough to hold the weight of the team, Angelina had her safety on the line. Win or lose I felt fine.

I haven't cared too much for idols yet. I clearly needed my coins for a bigger move. Had I not swapped Id have gone home easily at blue. I just know it. If I was feeling nervous at all Id be buying a clue or 2 but I dont feel I need to yet so Im being a fucking greedy grinch.
Missy clearly has one, Maybe even Angelina. Now Missy has the second clue and could get her hands on another. This girl is gaming hard! BIG THREAT!!!!

I think original Miombi were better to solidify an actual trust amongst the group. We definitely worked harder to gain trust outside the 6. Even the 49ers going undetected has been significant since Nyiri was quick to out a certain group- Angelina, Alison, Jessica, John, Kara. They left too many crumbs.
I almost feel as though a few of us would be willing to throw a challenge to lose another number. This benefits me in the long run. Stay loyal to Miombo. I feel I'm good with almost everyone, they would come to me first when they're ready to turn on each other before I would get blindsided.

Angelina - Image

Missy- Image


Tommy- Image
us showing up to a challenge^

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