- Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:40:24 am
Welp, little Icarus here flew too close to the sun and cost a great ally Lauren her game. Lauren, I owe you and had zero clue that it would fall on you, but I am giving myself too much credit, I thought it would land on Ang and this would blow over, boy was I wrong. This story is gonna have a little head on it, so skip ahead if you don’t care about Tommy’s past. Prior to Stranded I played 1 game on Discord and learned a lot. I am a terrible liar, this game is cutthroat and making a big move at the merge often pays off. I was put in a 4-2 tribe being the two which is the opposite of what happened here, until Missy flipped. After that, Discord Survivor and Stranded have mirrored each other. In both games I have survived and in both games at a strange vote I made my move. In Survivor I didn’t go to rocks and voted out an ally, in Stranded, I just fucked up, but its going to yield similar results….I think
I am a total social player, so if you are on my side or not, I am going to talk to you and bond with you. I did that one too many times with John and Alison. I had a good thing going with both and didn’t want to lie or lose either of them. Since that challenge took so long I did not have enough time to warn John without tipping my hand, so when I did warn him on where the votes may go, it was a public whisper and most of everyone knows it was me. Which led to, John playing an idol on Alison, which I hoped for, but then I figured everyone was so scrambled from lack of a final decision, Ang would go over Alison and ALL my friends would still be in the game. NOPE.
Poor Lauren took the fall, everyone kinda knew instantly that I spilled the beans and I am even more on an island now. But from the ashes of both games, Stranded and Discord, Evil Tommy/me took the wheel in both Stranded and Discord I made my final 2 with a person I had no idea had the same mindset. as me. Nick didn’t like his spot in the tribe and after what I did, they clearly don’t trust me, so we are hoping over to the majority and I am about to burn every bridge I walked over. Maybe its earlier enough for them to still vote me to win should I make it, maybe I just became the ultimate goat now, that’s for the jury to decide, but it just stayed interesting, I’ll tell you that.
I have to thank my girl Missy for reshowing me how cutthroat this game is. Between my allies Missy and Chels making me fake clues, Dan turning on Missy and Ang at the drop of a dime and just the realization that this college kids are a little more selfish than I care to believe, I think I just fired the first shot even if it was half inadvertently. Carl was never gonna take out Dan. Dan hates me. Jack is out for Jack. Dean and Aaron were my final 3, but when I swapped tribes in Discord, I was on the side of my new tribe over my OG tribe and they had 5 Orange left in the game as of last night (Lauren, Dean, Aaron, Nick and Carl) I know how tight those bonds can get and since I fucked up, lets just finish it off and jump over.
Chats are not gonna be fun today, but what can you do. In summary – Lauren you did not deserve that, totally my fault and this is gonna get worse before it gets better I would imagine. Could be more fireworks tonight.