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Day 23 - Tribal Council #14 - Stranded in Tanzania
By Jeff Probst
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Come on in, Ikorongo, and have a seat.

We'll now bring in the jury: Missy, Lauren, Carl, Dan, and Dean voted out at the last Tribal Council. You are not to address the jury, they can however post emojis.

Voting will be due at least 8:50:00 sharp. You can change your vote anytime before the deadline.

First thing's first, Kara, you have won Individual Immunity. If you want to give it away you have 5 minutes to do so.

Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst
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Alright getting down to the wire here, we're in the last week only a few councils until the final tribal.

@Aaron are you guys running out of time to make an impact on the game in order to earn a winning vote?

Jeff Probst

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By Aaron
Jeff Probst wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 8:34:07 pm Alright getting down to the wire here, we're in the last week only a few councils until the final tribal.

@Aaron are you guys running out of time to make an impact on the game in order to earn a winning vote?
Absolutely. And I think everyone realizes that they have to build their individual resumes for the end game. The war has begun on Stranded.


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By Tommy
Probst, how are you gonna give us a crazy ass idol clue and then expect a live tribal???!!!?? Can someone sell me clue 3?? before they find the idol this time?


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By Tommy
Jeff Probst wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 8:36:29 pm @Tommy does your vote hold a lot of weight tonight? What is your plan?
Like fighting Mike Tyson, I had a plan and then got hit in the mouth when Ang and her idol disappeared. My singular vote is just that. One vote, but it could be a big one. Survive and Advance is my plan.


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By Alison
Jeff Probst wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 8:37:12 pm @Alison would you say you are in the drivers seat in this game, or along for the ride?
well jeff, i feel like im on the right side of things I dont want to be overconfident and say im driving its more like a car from the flintstones and some of us are all making it go lol


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By Kara
Jeff Probst wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 8:35:45 pm @Kara do you feel like you needed immunity tonight in order to stay in this game?
I definitely felt much more inclined to win immunity tonight because the numbers are dwindling down for sure, I feel like everybody's kind of not feeling 100% safe these days so these immunities are becoming more and more important.
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