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Episode 15: Cheaters Never Win, But Le-Johns Never Die! - Stranded in Tanzania
We're in the home stretch! Only 3 more votes separate you and the final tribal council. That doesn't mean the next few days will be easy though, in fact the last few boots are often the hardest. Making the right decisions every night tonight is the difference between winning the season, and falling just short.

1-Walk us through this weekend. How did Angelina's removal impact your game? How did it change your game moving forward?

2-Take a look at the jury bench. Who on the tribe do you think has the most friends on the jury? who do you think has the most enemies? Do you think you have a shot at winning a majority of those votes?

3-Challenges are key in the endgame. Do you think you have a good shot at winning a crucial immunity here at the end? Who is your biggest challenge competition?

4-Start thinking about your argument for the win. What were your key moves/moments throughout the game? Do you think that the jury will respect them? If not, what can you do this week to earn that respect.

The game isn't over until the votes are read. Fight for every minute you have left!

Danni Boatwright

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Final 6 baby! I made it! This is my cursed number because typically in ORGs this is the farthest I'll ever go so I really hope I can survive tonight.

1-Walk us through this weekend. How did Angelina's removal impact your game? How did it change your game moving forward?

It definitely helped my game because that night Angelina was the target. She might've used her idol and that would've sucked but now that she is gone we know there won't be an issue there. And then with John gone, it is a entirely new game.

2-Take a look at the jury bench. Who on the tribe do you think has the most friends on the jury? who do you think has the most enemies? Do you think you have a shot at winning a majority of those votes?

It is interesting because everyone has there own little sectors. Aaron has Lauren/Carl/Dan/Dean and Kara & Alison have John and each other. Tommy could be like a dark horse and have a great chance and then the only person I'm not worried about having friends is Jack, but he isn't on my side. I myself do think that I have a great chance because I do have some moves under my belt though I haven't once in this game been blindsided so I don't know how it feels to have friends on the jury who got out because I was partially responsible for their demise each time. :dunno:

3-Challenges are key in the endgame. Do you think you have a good shot at winning a crucial immunity here at the end? Who is your biggest challenge competition?

I think I have a pretty good chance! I've won once and I've been close to winning multiple times but I do really think tonight and moving forward I really need it just because everyone is looking out for themselves and I do think I've played a very smart and ballsy game so I could be blindsided. I'm also being heavily grouped with Kara which is annoying because if I was Aaron/Tommy/Jack I would turn on my ass.

4-Start thinking about your argument for the win. What were your key moves/moments throughout the game? Do you think that the jury will respect them? If not, what can you do this week to earn that respect.

I mean my most defining moment was the Carl vote but I am looking for one last move to gain more jury votes. A lot of people may think I wasn't the executing a lot of the moves that were occurring and so I really want the opportunity to showcase my game and try to win. I mean ultimately what I have to do is just do one more flashy thing and then have a great FTC and hopefully with that I will have a good enough portfolio to win the game as a whole.


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It is 9:30pm and here I am about to start crying because I am so relieved that I managed to pull out a win in a dire time where I feel like such a threat and such a looming feeling.

Final 6 has always been my demise, I always can't recover and I can't believe I get to see tomorrow and get to compete among the final 5 in this game. If you'd told me I would be in the final 5, I would be star-struck. With all the college bullshit, this had made my night and my week and I'm so proud to call myself a near finalist.

Now, my paranoid ass has dug myself a little grave with Alison because I could've shut my mouth and just let her go but instead I promised her something that I can't fulfill which is to save her this vote but I don't think I'll be able to, and I don't even that I want to. Tommy is being pretty reassuring so I'm hoping that he stays true to our pact and we go to final 3 with one another.


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