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and the Winner Is... - Page 2 - Stranded in Tanzania
By Jeff Probst
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22nd Place
Not wasting space on this irrelevant hoe, so instead going to remind all Americans to go out and vote tomorrow if you haven't already.
We will be reusing this rep bc you were a busted can of biscuits
We're that Pulp Fiction meme of Travolta looking around for you.
You dedicated the same amount of time into the game as you did into a single TikTok.
I would include the clip of Keke Palmer's "I don't know who this man is" meme, but I don't feel like looking for that right now
Lyrsa was better

21st Place
Waste of the hottest avatar on the season.
Honestly can't remember if this is the OG Lyrsa who never showed, or the replacement Lyrsa who sent like 3 messages. WHO IS SHE
you had a message history
You suck but not in the good way
Ma'am/sir, you were someone I thought could be entertaining in interviews, but then you didn't show up. Smh
Elaine was better
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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst
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20th Place
What a wonderful weirdo. I know he took a lot of shit from me in the preseason podcast; however, I think he delivered in spades for what we wanted them to. He was the first victim of Missy, but he wouldn't be the last. I think in another season, I would love to see how crazy Vince would be, and maybe he'll get that chance.
Lol hopefully you show up the first night next time
bad luck missing out on those opening night relationships. You're a bit of an odd duck and I just think you missed the chance to solidify something real
I was hoping to see you last longer, but you fell behind early, socially, and just never caught up. Looking forward to seeing you in the main server!!!
I was really rooting for you! You missing the first few nights really cost you a lot! I think you really could've been a fun character if you lasted longer and hope to see you on the lurker server!
Yeah your personality was not used in this game. Embrace the weird your next go around. <3
Vince is the type of personality I would align with 9/10 times. a goof that can be entertaining in DMs but never gonna beat me long-term. Was fun to have him lurk for a bit before we scared him away. COME BACK
You have a lot energy, I’ll give you that, but sometimes you really gotta learn when to shut the fuck up.
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Jeff Probst

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By Jessica
Oh boy do I have some shit to say!!! Let me start off by saying I miss @Alison and @John soooo freaking much!!!! Also, Fuck @Carl , @Dean , @Nick and @Aaron !

Just kidding, love you guys and I had a lot of fun!!!
Carl, Garrett, John and 3 others liked this


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By Garrett
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Aaron, I don't have much in life, but I now have a Draft Psychic badge THANKS TO YOU! I owe you one :100:
And Kara, hands down you made my favorite confessionals of the season, so thank you too!! :D
And Jack, thanks for being a swell dude. Glad to see you pull out a vote tonight :hattip:
Kara, Loveita Adams, Aaron liked this


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By Dan
I want to give a shout out to all of those who make this game possible. Jeff, you did a fantastic job with the graphics and all of that. It really made TC enjoyable and suspenseful. You guys all clearly put a lot of work into this production and it was an honor to be a part of it. Thanks for making something that could be enjoyed by the players in such an immersive experience! You guys rock!


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By Carl
Jessica wrote: Mon Nov 02, 2020 8:09:38 pm Oh boy do I have some shit to say!!! Let me start off by saying I miss @Alison and @John soooo freaking much!!!! Also, Fuck @Carl , @Dean , @Nick and @Aaron !

Just kidding, love you guys and I had a lot of fun!!!


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By Jeff Probst
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19th Place
Davie was someone who was a sympathetic early favorite of a lot of the lurkers for good reason. I think he's just another case of playing too cautiously early on, but I think he knows that now. I think in a different scenario, he would probably play a lot better if given a chance.
Awesome prejuror, the one asshole thing Kara did was rob us of more Davie.
The first of our MULTIPLE robberies this season. You seemed to be off to such a good start, but as soon as Christian swept in with that French charm, it was over. It was heartening to see your friends on the tribe try and fight for you though. Definitely a top contender for a second chance season
The first vote of the season where the lurkers were really on the edge of our seat. We had just come off your video confessional and were rooting so hard for you to stay! You were most definitely robbed of what could have been a long run.
Genuinely robbed! This was the season of all the competent people being taken out early and due to sort of unfair circumstances, and your boot was really the harbinger to finding out how insane/entertainting/wild this season was going to be. You really remind me of myself on the first season I was on - just with a little less luck on the draw. Wish you really had a chance to play!
Davie after your video confessional, we were all rooting for you. Disappointing you went out so quickly. No one expected it. :(
Davie was kinda the harbinger for how premerge boots this season were gonna go. People just latched onto an idea and Davie died for it. Loved the video confessional though!
My draft pick. You were robbed, king. I still haven’t seen or been given any reasonable explanation for your vote out, so I’m still assuming it’s due to racism, especially since it was head honcho’d by the devil’s favorite demons, also known as white women. At least you can take solace in the fact that you were much more impressive than the other Davie that played Stranded, & that one made it all the way to the F3.
Elizabeth, Davie liked this

Jeff Probst

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